chapter seventy-six

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the morning wake-up call blared through the speakers in the cabins, then a voice.
"twenty minutes to breakfast!"
eliana groaned and rolled out of bed, then put on one of her practice leos, a t-shirt, and shorts.
"lola." she said, then tossed a pillow towards her roommate. "we gotta go, come on."
lola grumbled, but got up and dressed, and the two walked to the mess hall.
"i forgot how awful the food is here." lola grimaced down at the watery oatmeal.
"you get used to it after the first couple days." cally moved it around her bowl, and took a bite.
"doesn't make it any less offensive." grace put her spoon down after a few bites.
"shit's truly disgusting." sophie said. "el, i'm shocked, you haven't complained yet."
"honestly, guys, last time i was here, i was constantly looking over my shoulder for easton. he would make comments about everything i ate. i'm just happy to be actually eating." she shrugged.
"so," cally looked around, "anyone we should be worried about?"
"i'm pretty sure phoebe sinclair still has it out for you, el." grace said, making eliana laugh. "she has it out for ben, too."
"why am i not surprised?" grace shook her head. sophie squinted at someone. "i heard there's some girl who's really good on beam and vault."
"jenna something?" she shrugged. "i don't know."
"jenna wyndham." lola said. "i trained with her when i was bouncing between gyms."
"is she good?" eliana asked.
"yeah." lola nodded, her eyes wide. "like, really good. i think she's better than soph and i on beam."
"what about vault?"
"she doesn't have a yurchenko, so i don't really know."
eliana let out a breath. "i hate to be this kind of person, but i'm glad. it worries me when girls are good on vault and beam."
"says the vault champion."
"girl, come on." sophie rolled her eyes. "as if anyone could even compete with you."
"you beat me on vault at nationals."
"you were recovering from an injury."
"you all could kick my ass on beam." she raised her eyebrows.
"of course we could!" grace laughed. "but they couldn't."

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