chapter eighteen

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tuesday, march 10
     eliana's alarm started to ring, and she opened her eyes to an unfamiliar room. josh, demarius, and chaz were on the other bed, and dan was facedown on the ground next to jordan. there was an arm draped over her stomach, which she realized belonged to ben. she looked to the other side and saw sky beside her. she slowly and carefully climbed over top of him to get out of the room. ben shifted and reached out in his sleep. his hands found sky's shoulder and he moved over, cuddling with sky. eliana snickered and took a picture of the two of them before leaving demarius's room. she quickly started to braid her hair in the elevator and in the hallway. thirty minutes later, she was on the bus to the training facility. coach easton was just inside the doors, waiting for her when she came in. she smiled half-heartedly at him.
"how's that new routine coming?" he asked as he lead her to the training facility.
"it's good." she squeaked. "i still need to work a couple things out."
he nodded silently. the sight of the scale in the back corner of the gym made eliana start to hyperventilate. coach easton gestured for her to step on.
81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86...
the number froze. she let out a breath. he nodded. "good. i don't want you anywhere above 88 for the next two weeks, you hear me?"
she nodded.
"go get ready. you're starting with just the team today." he shooed her away.
     ben groaned as he woke up. "hey, el-" he stopped short when he realized that he was cuddled next to sky, not his girlfriend. he checked the time, and his eyes widened. 9:45. they were already forty-five minutes late for rehearsal. he rushed to wake everyone up and get them out the door. demarius looked up at ben. "what the hell are you doing, benjamin?"
"it's 9:45."
demarius bolted up and immediately started to help wake people up. within five minutes, they were all-out sprinting down the street to the theatre. when they got inside, jeff calhoun shook his head at them. "ridiculous. you seven are on costume and mic duty later."
they collectively groaned.
"i don't want to hear it." their director snapped. "almost an hour late." he muttered.

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