chapter eighty-one

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"you ready?" eliana whispered.
"i think so." jenna nodded.
"stone cold, remember?" she said. "you got this."
jenna stopped short before she walked into the gym. "why are you helping me?"
"what do you have to gain?"
"i-i don't have anything to gain."
"then why are you doing this?"
eliana sighed. "because you were on the verge of quitting."
"no, i-"
"you don't have to lie to me. i've been there. i was so close to just giving up, and i didn't want you to get to that point."
the two of them kept walking in silence.
"thank you, eliana." she gave a rare smile.
"yeah." eliana gave her a hug. "you got it."

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"jenna!" a thickly accented voice called. eliana grinned and pushed jenna towards márta, then watched as the two of them talked. jenna held back a smile as she came back.
"so?" eliana raised her eyebrows.
"she invited me back!" she beamed, and hugged eliana.
"i'm so proud of you!"
lola smiled and jogged up to the two of them. "back in?"
jenna nodded, and lola joined the hug. eliana's phone started to ring again.
"hey, ben!" she smiled.
"congratulations!" he squinted. "who are you with?"
"lola and jenna."
"oh! jenna!" he smiled. "you were great. the arabian connection you do on beam is stunning."
she blushed again. "thank you. i didn't know you actually, like, understood gymnastics."
"oh, well, i owe it all to ellie. she tries her best to explain things to me." he laughed.
lola rolled her eyes. "what am i, chopped liver?"
ben laughed again and pushed the blond curls away from his eyes. "lola sanchez, my queen. you were amazing, as usual."
"thank you." she giggled.
"you always manage to call at the worst times." eliana shook her head and walked a little ways away from the other two girls. "we're just about to go out to eat."
"oh, well, i am so sorry." he threw his hands up. "jenna coming with?"
"she has a plane to catch soon." she shook her head. "and that's usually just the five of us."
"right. so, what happened with jenna?"
"márta asked her back to the team selection camp."
"that's great. i'm glad you guys helped her."
"me too. she needed a little push."

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