chapter nine

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monday, january 12
eliana's phone started to ring as she was eating breakfast, waiting for ben to pick her up.

facetime: ben cook

she answered , and ben's smiling face popped up on the screen.

"just couldn't wait to see me?" she laughed.

"exactly." he winked, and eliana's heart fluttered.

"but actually, i'm really lost."

"you're lost?"

he grinned sheepishly.

"what does the nearest street corner say?" she put her shoes on and shrugged on her jacket. he looked up and read off the street signs.

"um, ashland and west 76th?"

her eyes widened. "oh my god, ben, you're in the south side." she grabbed her keys and rushed out of the house towards the train station.

"is that bad?" he asked.

"yes!" she said, exasperated. "just stay put, i'll be there soon."

"i can just ask someone-"

"do not! act like you belong, and hold onto your wallet."

ben shut his mouth and held a hand up. "okay, okay. see ya." the screen turned black as she hurried down the stairs and ran across the platform to catch the next train.

fifteen minutes later, she rushed up the stairs of the ashland avenue train station. she stuck her hands in her pockets and kept her head low as she looked around for ben. just as she was about to call him again, someone tapped her on the shoulder. she whirled around, keys in between her fingers.

ben's striking blue eyes locked with hers, and he threw his hands up in surrender. "easy, ellie. it's just me."

she put her keys back in her pockets. "jesus, ben." she sighed.

"that place over there looks good, we should get breakfast there." he pointed to a small restaurant and started to walk towards it, but eliana grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"what are you doing?" she hissed.

"i'm hungry." he complained.

"ben, that store is the front for the cobras. the biggest gang in chicago." she kept her voice at a whisper. their fingers were intertwined, and their faces inches apart.

ben gulped. "oops."

"look around. how many people do you see with snake tattoos?" she said.

his eyes swept the street over her head, counting almost 20 people on that block alone. "a lot." he said.

eliana tugged on his hand, back towards the train station. "come on. we're not safe here."

"you're still holding my hand." ben wore a goofy grin as they got onto the train.

she blushed. "for safety, obviously."

"well, of course. not like you think i'm cute or anything."

"you want me to let go?" eliana started to pull her hand away, but ben tightened his grip.

"that won't be necessary." he winked. she rolled her eyes.

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