chapter seven

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thursday, january 8
eliana's alarm went off at eight o'clock, long after her mom had gone to work. she got out of bed, and her elbow immediately started to throb. after washing her face and getting dressed, she crushed up a few painkillers and put them into a smoothie. at 8:40, she left the house and took the train to her gym.

coach daley was already there, doing paperwork at the front desk. she looked up when eliana walked in. "we decided to show up?"

"i said 'see you tomorrow' yesterday." she snapped back, then reeled herself back in. "i'm sorry about yesterday. sometimes i just want to be a normal teenager."

coach daley nodded understandingly. "that's alright, el."

eliana changed into her practice clothes and started to stretch. "hey, coach?"


"is amelia here?" she asked. amelia, the gym's trainer and physical therapist, worked multiple jobs, so her schedule was a little crazy.

"she's on vacation. won't be back for another week." coach daley replied. "why, what's wrong?"

"it's probably nothing." eliana downplayed her pain. "my elbow's been bothering me the past couple days. i'm only gonna be here until one today."

"i'm sorry, el. just take it easy, okay?"

she nodded. after stretching out, she started out on beam, and tried to stay off of her arms. the painkillers seemed to be working, because she only felt a dull pain when she dismounted. coach daley left at around 11, and eliana immediately checked her phone once she was gone.

ben: favorite lunch place? i'll pick
something up on my way there
eliana: dragonhead grill is ahmazing
i usually get the white garlic pizza
ben: see you at 1 :)

eliana popped another pill and worked on vault for an hour. before moving onto bars, she wrapped her elbow with an ace bandage and took a drink of water.

ben stepped into the empty lobby of the gym, carrying a bottle of juice and a takeout bag, and looked around for eliana. he saw her come out of the locker room, wearing a t-shirt and leggings, and walk up to the bars. he watched as she went through her routine, still amazed at how effortless she looked. once she stuck the landing, she looked around and noticed ben. her face broke into a smile, and he came into the gym area.

"hey!" she smiled.

"it looks great." he nodded to the uneven bars. she waved her hand in a so-so gesture as she took her grips off and tossed them into her bag. "it's alright."

"you're way too hard on yourself." ben took a seat on a stack of mats and watched eliana unwrap her ankles.

"i have to be." she laughed. "that's the only way you get to be good." she put the wraps away and hopped up next to him, wincing at the pressure she put on her left arm. ben didn't seem to notice, and just handed her the bottle of juice and pizza.

she took a bite and closed her eyes, making ben chuckle a little bit. "good?"

"delicious." she nodded. "i haven't had pizza in months."

"we are not the same." ben laughed. "the guys order pizza, like, every other day."

"i wish." eliana giggled. "you guys are so lucky."

they finished their lunch, just chatting and laughing.

"how about we just walk around for a little bit?" eliana smiled and pushed herself off of the mats. she sucked a breath in and squeezed her eyes shut as pain shot through her arm again.

ben narrowed his eyes at her. "are you okay?"

"i'm fine. my elbow just hurts a little bit."

"have you seen a doctor?"

she gave him a look. "no."

"well, you should." he said, matter-of-fact.

"my physical therapist is on vacation." she said. "i'll be fine until she gets back."

"i'll take you to ours." ben offered.


"our therapist is always in. i'll take you to see him."

"you sure?" she asked. "we're supposed to be hanging out."

"i don't want you to be in pain." ben said earnestly.

"okay." eliana smiled, and put a sweatshirt on, then her team usa windbreaker. she went to pick up her bag, grimacing at the sharp pain in her elbow.

ben swooped in and grabbed the gym bag. "i got it."

"thanks." she smiled.

ben knocked on the door of a dressing room that had been converted into an office. a smiling man opened the door.

"benjamin! what ails you today?"

"not me, george. ellie." ben gestured at eliana. george looked to her. "oh, is this the young lady you've been telling us about?"

ben's ears turned red, and he nodded. "her elbow's been hurting, and her therapist is out. would you mind-"

"of course! come in, come in." he held the door open. george unwrapped eliana's elbow and lightly prodded at it, humming every couple of seconds as he turned her arm. she gave ben a confused look, and he mouthed at her. "trust me. he knows what he's doing."

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