chapter eighty

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elianadempsey: cute clouds on the way to cali for p&gs!!27,728 comments

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elianadempsey: cute clouds on the way to cali for p&gs!!

"jenna!" eliana waved the sixteen year old over to her and lola as soon as she came in the door.
"hi." jenna smiled nervously.
"do you wanna come over to our room tonight? we always watch disney movies the night before competitions."
she looked a little shocked. "really?"
"yeah!" lola grinned. "cally, soph, and grace never want to watch with us. they're old and boring."
"that sounds really fun." jenna smiled.

"the only rule is bed by ten." eliana laughed. "so, unfortunately, you'll have to leave by then."
"i can deal with that." jenna grinned. eliana unlocked her room door and pushed it open. "wow. peter went all out this week."
"he's probably just making up for the last time." lola laughed.
"our last room had one bed that was infested with bugs." eliana explained. "we both slept on the floor for the week."
"oh my gosh, that's awful!" jenna giggled.
"make yourself at home, and stuff." eliana said. "lola, can you log into the netflix?"
"i can't remember podium training being that bad in ages." jenna complained.
"yeah, that was pretty brutal." eliana said from the bathroom, where she took her braids out. she pulled one of ben's sweatshirts on and went to sit down next to the other two girls.
"newsies on tour." jenna read. "isn't that the show you were with?"
"i heard the boys are really cute." she said.
"well, i think lola can confirm that, can't you, lola?"
"oh, shut up." lola rolled her eyes as a blush came to her cheeks.
"there's this guy named jordan that she thinks is cute." eliana said. her phone started to ring just as lola started tangled.
"ooh, it's ben!"
"they call each other every night." lola muttered to jenna. "it's annoying how ridiculously in love they are."
ben's face popped up on the screen. "you look so hot right now, i could just-"
"benjamin!" eliana raised her eyebrows.
"sorry." he grinned.
"oh, he's cute." jenna whispered, and lola nodded, her eyes wide. "i know."
"i'm assuming you're with someone?" he asked.
"yeah, i'm with lola and jenna."
"jenna?" he squinted. "have we met?"
"no, she's the one i was telling you about, from camp." eliana turned the camera over to show them.
"hey, ben."
"hi, lola. nice to meet you, jenna." ben flashed a grin, and jenna blushed. "nice to meet you." she squeaked.
"well, i will let you girls enjoy your disney." he said with a slight laugh. "i just wanted to call and make sure you got here okay."
"i'm all in one piece." eliana smiled.
"that's always a good thing." ben laughed quietly. "alright, i'll call you tomorrow."
"i love you." she blew a kiss at him.
"i love you more. good night, sweetheart."
she pocketed her phone after he hung up.
"sorry, we don't see each other often." she explained. jenna was still blushing. "how did you get used to dating him?"
"what do you mean?" eliana raised an eyebrow.
"i mean, how do you not melt every time he looks at you?"
eliana laughed. "he is very charming, i know, but once you realize that he's kind of a dumbass, the sparkle fades away a little bit."

their sparse conversation turned to the previous month's camp at the karolyi ranch.
"if you don't mind me asking, what happened?" eliana looked over to jenna.
"i fell on beam, just one time. but i guess márta was watching, so i was done." her eyes started to water.
"hey, it's okay." lola soothed her. "we've all been there."
"no, you haven't." jenna shook her head. "i'm basically done for. she just ended my career like that."
"not necessarily." eliana said. "it happened to me, too. 2012. at the team selection camp right after p&g's."
"yeah. i was only fifteen, so i wasn't allowed to compete at the trials anyway, but, yeah. i just wasn't invited back. so my next competition, i went out there and killed it. like, i swept everything but beam."
"seriously?" jenna looked more hopeful, and eliana nodded. "now, i'm not saying you should act like it never happened. you want to look stronger than you were last month."
"it's about mind games with márta." lola added. "she likes to see how mentally tough you are."
"if you can hit every routine, you'll be back at the team selection camp. she'll realize she made a mistake, and ask you at the end of the meet on saturday." eliana said. "we like you a lot, jenna. much more than we like phoebe sinclair or kenzie quaker."
"are you serious? you got asked back at the next competition?"
"before i had even missed a camp." she confirmed. jenna blinked for a minute. "okay. i can do this."
"you can totally do this."

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