chapter fifty-one

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monday, september 14
the sun had barely risen, and thin streams of light beamed into eliana's room as she slept. a soft knock at the door woke her, and she went to get it.
"morning, sweetheart." ben leaned down to kiss her. "how are you?"
"good." she mumbled. "what's up?" she let him into the room.
"it is our first day off together, so i thought we could go down to the beach?" he was already dressed in swim trunks and a light sweatshirt.
eliana smiled, and rooted through her suitcase for a swimsuit, then quickly slipped into the bathroom to change. she pulled on a pair of jean shorts, and she and ben walked across the city to the beach.

elianadempsey: beach day with my boy25,634 comments

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elianadempsey: beach day with my boy

the sun was beginning to set now, and eliana stood up from her blanket. "you hungry?"
"yeah, i could eat." ben grinned. she grabbed his sweatshirt and shook the sand out. "i'm gonna go grab a pizza."
"alright. see ya."
light bounced off of the water and streamed under their umbrella, rendering it useless. ben stood up and took the shade down, then shouldered it and carried it back to the rental facility. as he headed back to their blanket, a voice called his name.
"oh my gosh, ben, is that you?"
phoebe sinclair waved to him. ben smiled. he and phoebe had gotten to talking a lot during the week, and he really liked her.
"yo, phoebs!" he jogged up to her. "what's up?"
"not much, just a couple of us from the gym hanging out here." she said. "is el here?"
"yeah, she just went to grab us a pizza."
a muscular guy came up behind phoebe. "who's this?"
"oh, declan, this is ben, ben, declan. he's on the men's national team."
"oh." ben forced a smile.
"well, only for a little longer." he said as he shook ben's hand.
"what do you mean?"
"i've been taking dance classes for the past couple years, and i just auditioned for this broadway show that's on tour right now."
phoebe gasped. "you didn't tell us that!"
"well, i wasn't sure i would get it. my last callback's tomorrow." declan said. ben nodded. "break a leg."
"thanks." he jogged back in the direction phoebe had come. ben ran his fingers through his hair. "was that-"
"yeah." she nodded.
"so he's training at your gym. i, um, didn't realize that."
"for now, like he said. i knew he was taking dance, but i didn't know he was trying the whole broadway thing." she looked back at him. "that's what you do, right? you're a dancer?"
ben nodded.
"phoebe!" declan called. "we're heading out!"
"i guess i'll see you later." ben smiled.
eliana came back soon after with a pizza box and two glass bottles of lemonade. the sun had disappeared behind the horizon, giving way to the moonlight that now bounced off the waves. there wasn't a cloud in the sky, so the stars were completely visible. eliana stared up at them as she weaved her fingers with ben's.
"it's nice to see them. i never can in chicago."
"i love them. and the moon."
she looked over at him.
"the moon is the same, wherever you're looking at it from."
"what about the phases, and stuff?"
"i mean, in the same moment, i could look up when i'm in boston, and you'd be looking at the same moon in chicago."
eliana smiled. "you're turning into a hopeless romantic." she teased.
"only for you." he leaned over and kissed her.

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