Chapter 26: a mania of surprises.

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Laura: Alright are we ready and in position?

Y/n: yup. Me and Gwen are just waiting for your order.

Spider-Gwen: um, by the way, y/n...what happened to that carnage girl?

Y/n: huh? Well, after Gwenpool shot a rocket at it, we were able to get the symbiote off of it's host.

Gwen: lucky thing that the symbiote was protecting the girl or she's have been a victim of gwenpool's chaos.

Y/n: yeah. Also...did something to yourself recently?

Spider-Gwen: huh? No, why do you ask?

Y/n: umm well...

Y/n: umm well

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Y/n:.....never mind.

Y/n: "when the hell did she get THAT?! Is it the spider genes?! I mean they made me buff so does that mean it made her..."

Spider-Gwen: y/n! It's time! Look!

Y/n broke from his state of mind and looked down to see that a girl was walking along the sidewalk. She seemed to be alone. Perfect. They couldn't have asked for a better situation. Y/n and Gwen started leaping from rooftop to rooftop as stealthily as they could. Suddenly, however, the girl stopped in her tracks.

Girl: I know you spider freaks are here you know! Might as well come out and get this over with.

Y/n and Gwen were both surprised by this sudden development. How'd she found them out?!

Y/n: I'm guessing this is due to the symbiote. Alright.

Spider-Gwen: we'll head down there in 3..2...

Before Gwen could get to 1 however, Laura came out of the alley and grabbed the girl by the face. She then proceeded to toss her in the alleyway and into some trash cans.

Girl: well...I didn't catch a whiff of you...

Laura: yeah? Well, I did! Especially now. You reek of...well, I think you already know.

Y/n and Spider-Gwen then jumped down and joined Laura's side. As soon as they did the girl smiled.

Girl: finally! I get to meet Spider-Man! And ghost-spider too? Mmmm...just like in my wet fantasies!

The three of them were taken aback by this.

Y/n: um come again?

Girl: what? I have no problem with having same-sex relationships.

Y/n: You said something about...fantasies?

Girl: oh. Well, let's just say that venom and I were quite the admirers of you and your gal pal.

Spider-Gwen: venom?! Who are you and how did you know about her?!

Girl: well I'm...

The girl then started to turn into her true form.

The girl then started to turn into her true form

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Girl:....mania! And...get ready! Cause once I get rid of your mutant friend here, we'll have a good'lo threesome!

Y/n:....oh god she even talks like venom... least she wasn't a bisexual manic...

Laura: And what exactly does she have against me?!

Mania then lunged. Laura pulled out her claws and slashed but mania dodged her attack.

Mania: what? Thought I was just gonna stand there and take it? HA!

Mania then kicked Laura in the gut. This sent her back a bit. Y/n then came in and webbed mania to the wall.

Mania: wow. Didn't know you were into that kind of kink~


Mania: *sigh* fine. But only cause you asked. Now back to what I was doing...

Mania then ripped the webs up and she was free. Then spider-Gwen came down and did a leg sweep on mania. She went for a downward axe kick but mania stopped it by grabbing her leg. Then she started to rub her face against the leg that she had caught.

Mania: my my~ these thighs...they're so smooth and thicc.


Mania: also has your rear gotten bigger? I don't recall you having THAT dumptruck.

Spider-Gwen: E-E-ENOUGH!!!

Spider-Gwen webbed her face which made her let go of her leg. Spider-gwen then backed away and got by the other two.

Y/n: that settles it...we are dealing with one MASSIVE PERVERT.

we are dealing with one MASSIVE PERVERT

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(Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Tried to make it a little longer than the last one. Hope this made some of you happy. Also check out my newest story if you haven't already! I'll be updating it next week. Anyways see y'all later and have an awesome day.)

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