chapter 14: venom

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y/n, Gwen, and mary jane were eating lunch in the cafeteria when they saw that Ellie brock came up to sit with them. y/n and Gwen were confused on why the new girl would sit with them. Ellie sat beside y/n.

Ellie: hello. I'm Ellie brock. nice to meet you. 

Ellie puts her hand out for y/n to shake. he shook her hand.

y/n: I'm y/n Parker and it's nice to meet you as well.

ellie brock smiled.

gwen: and i'm-

ellie brock: don't care.

gwen: huh?

ellie brock: so y/n what do you do in your spare time?

y/n was surprised at the sudden question.

y/n: i, uh, play sports and read books...

ellie leaned in closer.

ellie: no i mean what do you REALLY do?

now y/n was really nervous. she couldn't know what his secret is....right?

gwen was getting nervous as well...and jealous.  gwen pulled y/n to her and glared at ellie.

gwen: that's pretty creepy of you...and why are you so interested anyway?!

ellie glared at gwen but then she thought of something.

ellie: oh. you like him don't you?

gwen blushed at the question. 

gwen: w-what!? we're just-

y/n: but you kissed me.

gwen: well yeah but-

y/n: gwen i'm a lot of things but some kind of dense anime harem protagonist isn't one of them.


y/n: don't change the subject.

gwen didn't change the subject but instead she got up and left with a red face and steam coming out of her ears.

mary jane: well the bell is about to ring so we should get going as well.

y/n: oh yeah. well it was nice talking to you ellie.

ellie: you too y/n.

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