57(PC) - Daniel Ricciardo (P1)

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'Terribly sorry it don't quite pass'

I smiled as I watched my husband return to his garage before I heard my friend beside me let out a small giggle. "You two are so in love, just like the day you met."

Rolling my eyes at her words, I shook my head as I turned to her giving her my full attention. "I'm married to him," I reminded her. "Around us are cameras and people watching."

Brit raised an eyebrow as she looked at me, "What are you talking about? What's going on?"

"I know he's cheating on me," I confided in her nonchantly like it was no big deal. There was no way I was going to freak out on the grid, I didn't want to draw attention to myself. She gasped as I put a hand on her arm. "Shut up," I hissed as she shook her hands before she sighed. 

"Who with?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no idea." I looked around the garage area, my eyes looking for anyone who might be a suspect. Then I looked back at Brit, "I know though."

"Wait?" She said as I took my hand off her. "Why are you so calm? How do you even know?"

I began to walk away, casually heading towards the exit which would lead me to the general public. Brit caught up with me, her eyes on me as she waited for my answer. "I found the receipts for gifts, then I found make up and hairs on his clothes. I'm definitely not blonde."

"Gin! Brit!" I heard our names being called, when I looked up I saw our other friend, Gabrielle heading towards us. "I'm so sorry I'm late."

Brit hugged her as best she could. "It's understandable. You are lugging around another human."

My eyes looked to her stomach, it was instinct, as soon as someone mentioned her pregnancy I couldn't help but look. She certainly was much larger than the last time I had seen her. "Hi," I smiled as she looked at me. 

"Gin, I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier. I wanted to wish Daniel luck before his home race." She said to me in a rushed voice. "Do you mind if I just..." She trailed off as she looked towards the garage.

Shrugging her off, I smiled. "Sure, go ahead."

As I walked on, Brit stopped me by grabbing my wrist. When I looked at her, she was watching Gabrielle walking towards Daniel's garage. I looked over at our friend, my eyebrows furrowed as I felt confused by what was happening right now. "How long has he been cheating on you?"

"What?" I glanced back at Brit, then I rubbed my temples. "Do we need to keep talking about this?"

"No, seriously," Brit looked serious as she stared at me. "How long do you think he's been cheating?"

I sighed, I didn't want to think about it any more than I needed to. "I have no idea." 

"Gabi is blonde," she pointed out to me. 

Turning my attention to Gabi, I watched as she entered the garage. 

"No," I shook my head as I crossed my arms over my chest. "She wouldn't."

When I looked back at Brit, I noticed the look on her face. "Okay," she said casually. 

Uncrossing my arms, I took a deep breath. "I'll catch you up," I told her as I walked back towards the garage. 

Walking fast, I managed to stay upright on my heels as I got to the garage. I looked around noticing that neither of them were there. "Michael," I called over to Daniel's trainer. 

He looked up from his Ipad and smiled at me, "Hello wifey." 

I laughed at his nickname before I walked towards him, "Where's Dani?"

"Oh," Michael looked around before he shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea. He was right here." He got up from his chair, "Do you want me to find him?"

Shaking my head, I held my hands up defensively. "No, I just wanted to ask him a question. It's not important, I'll see him after the race." 

Michael laughed, "I won't tell him you were here. Otherwise he'll worry about whatever you want to ask him throughout the whole race."

I grinned, "Good idea. Thanks, Michael. I'll see you later."


Sitting with both Gabrielle and Brit whilst the race took place, I felt my right leg bouncing all the time. Every now and again I would glance at Gabrielle, she never noticed though. My suspiosions were on an all time high right now. Gabi had been single for ages before eight months ago she announced she was pregnant from a one night stand. 

My eyes looked at her stomach, my mind working overtime as I thought that the baby inside of hers could be my husband's. My eyes flickered back to the big screen as I looked at the race standings. There was twenty laps left, Daniel was currently running in fourth. 

I should have been happy for him, but, I was seething. 

As I watched, I suddenly felt a hand on my arm which made me jump. Looking to my left, Gabi grabbed both my hands. "I think my waters have just broke," she sounded scared as she looked at me. My eyes looked down at her stomach before I looked at her face, her hands let me go and grabbed her stomach as she winced. "This baby is coming right now."

"What? No." I shook my head as I looked at her. "Brit, help me."

Brit was quick to take over from me, I moved away from the two letting Brit do what she needed to do. I moved people out of the way so Brit could help Gabi out of the stand. 

I phoned Michael, letting him know that I would be going to the hospital with Gabi. Michael said he'd pass the message on to Daniel after the race. 

My eyes looked over at Gabi, she was obviously having contractions, the pain on her face every so often. "I'll drive," I informed them as Brit escorted Gabi from the crowds. 

"I don't know if we're going to make it to the hospital," Gabi said as she stopped walking before she grabbed at her stomach again. 

Brit looked at me, "Go and get some help."

Looking around, I felt a sense of panic before I left the two women to find someone to help Gabi. 

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