10&11(2) - Lando Norris

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Even at the most stupid of times, the streets of Blackpool seemed to be tingling with life and music. At a quarter to three in the morning, it might not have been the right sort of people about but it didn't stop the locals and various travellers who were out for a good time. Pippa Chambers was out on a hen-do with a close bunch of friends although as the night had worn on she'd grown tired of the partying and the drinks. 

When her friend, Melissa said she was getting married and wanted her to attend as a bridesmaid Pippa couldn't have been happier, but tonight, with only a week to go to the wedding, things were falling apart for the young redhead. The group of girls roamed the town, heading to the closest takeaway, the bride to be wanting a greasy kebab. 

Pippa trailed along at the back of the group, the drink she'd consumed made her stagger a little and think about all the things that she'd messed up recently. Knowing that Melissa was going to be walking up the aisle in a week to marry the love of her life was hard, especially when Pippa had let her love go. 

She trailed away from her friends, crossing the road and heading towards the beach. As she took tiny steps down to the beach, Pippa shivered as the cold hit her sending chills down her body. Maybe heading out into the town in a short dress and high heels wasn't the best idea, not without a jacket. Once she got onto the sand, her heels sunk into the ground below her forcing her to sit down pulling them off before she threw them away from herself. 

Picking up her bag, she opened it checking her phone before she got back to her unsteady feet. Heading away from the steps, she walked towards the sea. She didn't mean to intentionally do it but she dropped her bag on the sand but didn't notice. Looking back at her phone in her hand, she opened it as she headed towards the pier, along the waterline on the sand. Her fingers scrolled through her contacts before she pressed on the name of her ex-boyfriend. 


Lando was fast asleep in a crazy dream when his phone ringing pulled him awake. Reaching across to the nightstand, he picked up his phone and looked at the caller ID before swiping the call to answer it. He lifted the phone to his right ear as he laid back on his pillow, "It's 3 in the morning, why are you calling?" His voice was full of sleep but it didn't stop him from being blunt with the woman who had broken his heart only a week ago. 

The young woman didn't speak at first, only sniffling down the phone. "I needed to hear your voice," he knew tonight she'd been out. Pippa had been out with the hen party, she would have been drinking which might have explained why she was calling him right now. 

"Pippa, I have to be up in the morning. I have to go," he sighed as he rubbed his face with his left hand. 

"Don't hang up, Lando," the woman said in a sad tone. "Please, I need to see you. I need to see you right now."

The young Formula One driver pushed himself up in his bed, "You broke up with me, remember? You best have a good reason for calling me at this time?"

"Being out tonight, it's made me think." He listened as she paused for a moment, he could hear the wind in the background signalling she outside, a strange splashing noise was also present on the line. "I miss you."

Lando turned on his bedside lamp as he pushed himself out of the bed, shaking his head a little. "Where are you? Are you on the beach?" When she didn't answer he asked more questions. "Are you alone? Where are the girls?"

Pippa didn't speak which worried the young lad. Being only 20 minutes from Blackpool he could try and find her, but it was a large place. If she was alone then it might prove more difficult to find her. 

"I'm coming to get you," Lando spoke as he started to pull his clothes on using his head and shoulder to keep himself on the phone. "Where are you, Pip?"

There was no speaking from her again as he listened. She might have broken his heart when they broke up but it didn't mean he didn't love her any less. The woman who was on the phone to him was a special person to him, they had shared many experiences together bonding them together. Last week, out of the blue, Pippa called off their relationship. She told him that she couldn't deal with the fame and the girls hanging around. The problem Lando had with all of that was she'd always seemed so confident, so easy going yet just out of nowhere, her fears came out then she left. 

"I love you," she mumbled before the line went dead.

He pulled the phone from his ear before he looked at the screen confirming she'd hung up. He tried to call her back but the line just rang through. The safety of this girl was something that concerned him, he never wished for anything bad to happen to her. As he pulled the rest of his clothes on, he continued to try and get hold of Pippa who was not answering her phone. 

If anything happened to the redhead, he'd never forgive himself.

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