Coming Clean - Pierre Gasly & Charles Leclerc

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Slipping her fingers through Charles' fingers, Eden smiled as she looked up at him. "What are you staring at?" Charles asked me with a wink.

Eden snuggled closer to his chest and closed her eyes as she felt his warmth against her. "Nothing," she couldn't help but stay close to him with a stupid grin on her face. "Do you want to go out with dinner tonight?"

Charles kissed the top of her head, her black hair shining in the light. "Yeah, sounds good to me, babe." He got up from the sofa, running a hand through his hair as he looked in the mirror at his reflection. "I'm going to grab a quick shower before anything, though."

She watched him before he turned back to her before leaning down and kissing her lips. Then he left the room, she listened as he headed up the stairs, the sound of his feet on the floor as he went.

Grabbing her phone from the sideboard, she heard a knocking on the front door. Getting to her feet, she headed through to the hall, "I'll get it!" She called up to Charles as she turned the keys in the front door. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see the person on the other side. "What are you doing here?" Her voice was a hiss as she narrowed her eyes at Pierre, Charles' closest friend.

"I needed to see him," Pierre spoke quickly as he tried to walk into the house.

Eden held the door firmly stopping him, "What do you want?"

Pierre pinched the bridge of his nose, "We have to tell him. This has been going on for too long, Eden."

"Who is it?!" Charles shouted from upstairs getting both of their attention.

She turned her head to look back at Pierre, "Don't worry. It's no one." Eden shook her head, "We can't tell him, it would break his heart."

"You should have thought about that," Pierre reminded her as he managed to get into the house and closing the door behind him. "We've been doing this for three months now, I think it's time."

Eden looked up at Pierre, he was very different to Charles. He had eyes that you could just get lost in and hair that he was constantly changing just to suit his mood. Pierre was new, fun, exciting, always had me on the edge of my seat and I loved it. Charles though, he was my constant, he would always be the one I choose to be with.

"I'm not doing it," Eden stood at the bottom of the stairs crossing her arms as she looked at Pierre.

He stepped towards her, the way he looked at her made her weak before he moved his lips closer to hers, hovering there for a second before pressing his lips against hers. She gave in, putting her arms around his neck as he pulled her close to him as their kiss continued.

Pierre pulled away before speaking, "You can't resist me." He couldn't help but point out smugly. He looked up the stairs before shouting, "Charles!"

Shoving him back, I pushed him against the wall. "What are you-"

"Pierre?" Charles' voice interrupted my speaking before I heard him on the stairs. Turning to look at him, I saw him standing half way down the stairs with a towel wrapped around his lower half. "You alright? What are you doing here?"

I wanted to plead with Pierre, I wanted to beg him more not to tell but I knew him. He'd been carrying this guilt for a while and he'd previously mentioned telling Charles but I never thought he'd go through with it.

"I need to talk to you," Pierre said quickly.

Charles nodded as I looked away, crossing my arms over my chest. If I could I would have just walked out, but I needed to stay incase Pierre didn't do it.

"Let me grab some clothes," Charles said as he turned to walk back up the stairs.

"It won't take long," Pierre called him back.

My eyes flickered to Charles, he raised his eyebrows as he looked at his friend. "Okay," he walked to the bottom of the stairs. "What's up?"

Pierre looked at me for a second before turning back to Charles, "I've been sleeping with Eden."

Charles laughed, then he realised no one else was laughing. The guilt was written over Eden and Pierre's faces as Charles looked between them. "What?! Tell me this is some kind of horrible prank?"

"No, I'm serious," Pierre said calmly.

Eden bowed her head but watched on through her eyelashes as Charles delivered a quick punch to Pierre. "You're supposed to be my best friend!" Charles shouted as he grabbed Pierre by the collar and banged his head against the wall. "She's my fucking girl! You've been fucking my girl." Charles then turned and looked at the woman he was in love with, his heart breaking when he saw the truth in her eyes. "And you!" Charles spoke with such venom in his voice, "How could you do this to me?"

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