Maybe I'm Wrong - Lewis Hamilton (Part 2)

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I found myself sitting the passenger seat of Lewis' car after qualifying. He had loads to do, so much to prepare for the next day but he had gone out of his way to help me because he felt guilty. "What happened between you and this ex then?" Lewis probed as he drove on the motorway, his right hand casually resting on the steering wheel and his left on the gear stick. 

"My best friend happened," I sighed as I looked out the passenger window. "And the rest is history."

"I know there's more to that story," Lewis spoke softly. I turned and looked at him with raised eyebrows, he glanced at me for a moment before he looked back at the road. "That can't be it."

Sighing I put my hands on my lap and stared forward at the road. "I got home, found my ex and my ex-best friend together on the sofa. This weekend was supposed to be my hen party, I was supposed to be sunning it up in Spain with all of my good friends. Instead, I have found myself out of pocket, living in out of a hotel room with nothing." I shook my head as I thought about the people I had lost since the end of my relationship with Matt.

"So, we go to your old house, pick up your stuff, where are you planning on keeping it?" 

My mind was full of other things I didn't even think about the fact I had nowhere to keep everything. I mean seriously, did I even care about half the stuff I had left behind? I shrugged my shoulders, "There are some things I just can't leave behind. Some of the items at that house are irreplaceable."

He looked at me for a moment, "Like what?" He looked back at the road before slowing down due to the jam that had occurred in front of the vehicle. "I can buy it, it's the least I can do after today."

"Photos, mainly," I avoided the painful truth when it came to what I really wanted. "The things I want, I can keep them with me. It's not too much stuff."

Lewis listened to me, he didn't ask many more questions instead we chatted like old friends as we slowly made our way to my old home. With every passing moment, with every structure that told me we were getting closer, my nerves started to show. 

I felt his hand on my thigh as I breathed heavily, just for a moment before he spoke, "Just straight in and get your stuff. You will be fine."

"This is the first time I'll have been back since I left," I mentioned as he took his hand back. My thigh suddenly felt very cold and empty as I looked at the space where his hand had been. "It's just a little nerve-wracking," I admitted quietly as he turned into the cul-de-sac. 

Pointing to the house, Lewis parked outside of it, once he cut the engine he looked at me. "I'll be just out here," he told me as he smiled at me. "You do realise once you've got your stuff, that's him out of your life. If this is what you want, this is a good thing."

Nodding my head, I grinned. "There's nothing I want more." 

I climbed out of the car, my hands shaking as I walked up the driveway of the house I used to call my home. When I was at the front door, I knocked quickly knowing if I waited I wouldn't bring myself to do it. Awkwardly, I stood there before the door was pulled open, my eyes widening when I found myself face to face with the man who had been so special to me at one point in my life. 

"You're just in time," Matt spoke harshly as he opened the door wider. Behind him stood Sarah, at her feet were black bags of stuff as she looked up at me. "We were about to load this crap into the car to take to the tip."

I didn't want to fight right now, "I only want a few things, then I'll be gone."

Matt stepped back to let me in, "Anything that is yours is in these bags."

He and Sarah watched me as I cautiously stepped into the house. This was it, all my life worth was placed into three black bin bags. It was quite depressing when you thought about it that way. I reached for the bag in the middle, it was the one that seemed to have paper and heavier items in it, opening the top I looked in for the only thing that meant anything to me. I skimmed through the stuff before panic set it. 

"What are you looking for?" Matt asked as he watched with his arms crossed over his chest. 

Tipping the bag on the floor of the hallway, I ran my fingers through everything as I frantically searched for the photo and paperwork I wanted. Tipping the other two bags out in a hurry, I was wide-eyed as I realised what I wanted wasn't here. 

Matt groaned loudly as I got back to my feet and looked up at him, my eyes narrowed. "Where is it?" I asked him as I stared at him. 


"Harry's stuff," the words burned me as I said them. 

He raised his eyebrows as he shook his head. "Harry's gone and so has his stuff. Why do you want anything that ties us together? I don't want to be tied to you anymore. This is a clean slate, Joanna."

This time it was me shaking my head, my head was moving frantically as I stepped back. "You can't just-"

"I can do whatever I want. If you don't want any of this stuff-" Matt was saying before Sarah cut in rudely. 

"Leave her, Matt. Just get her out." Her voice was laced with anger as she stared at me. 

My eyes were focused on her now, "This is none of your business!" I pointed my finger at her as I spoke.

"Jo?" I heard Lewis' voice behind me, I turned my head to see him heading up the driveway before he got to the door. "Are you okay?"

"Who is this?!" Matt almost shouted as he looked between myself and Lewis. "You have brought your next man to my house?"

Before I got to speak, Lewis chuckled. "Come on, babe," he winked at me as I looked at him. "Just get what you came for," he reminded me of why I was here as he smiled. 

I looked back at the stuff on the floor before I looked back up at Matt then at Sarah before shrugging my shoulders. If there was no way of getting Harry's items then I was wasting my time here. Of course, I didn't want to be tied to Matt forever but there was no denying what had happened between us, our love resulting in something special before it was ripped away from us, maybe this was part of the reason he found himself in Sarah's company. 

"There's nothing here I want," I said as I looked back at Lewis and nodded before I walked towards him. I let him put his hand around my shoulders as he walked back towards his car. 

"Wait!" Matt shouted after me just as we reached the car, Lewis held the door open for me as I turned back and looked at my ex. "You're Lewis Hamilton right?" 

Rolling my eyes, I turned back to the vehical before getting into the passenger seat. Lewis pushed the door shut before he looked at Matt, I watched them as a few words were exchanged. 

"Yes, that's me," Lewis said to the man who I once loved. 

Matt smiled at him before he reached his hand out for Lewis to shake, "No hard feelings I hope. Joanna can be a little difficult to handle sometimes."

I reached for the door handle to defend myself but I didn't need to when Lewis spoke again. "Maybe you are the one who needs to learn how to treat women with respect. The Joanna you know and the one I know are two very different people," he told Matt before ignoring the extended hand and walking around to the driver's side. "Please don't contact Joanna again, I'm sure that won't be a problem for you though."  

Lewis climbed in the car, he smiled at me before he moved the car away from my old home. My eyes not looking back or in the direction of Matt, instead I looked at Lewis. I needed to focus on something that wasn't what I was leaving behind. 

"How does getting something large to drink sound?" Lewis asked me as he drove, his eyes on the road ahead. 

I nodded as I smiled. "Perfect."

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