18(TBP) - Max & Lando

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Sitting on the ground, Keke dangled her feet in the pool as she looked up at her friend, Lando. He was standing at the side of the pool, mobile phone in one hand and a bottle of lager in the other. "What's up?" He asked as he pushed his sunglasses up onto his head so he could see the young woman properly. 

"Nothing, why would anything be up?" Keke asked as she flicked her long brown locks over her shoulders before leaning back on her hands. 

Lando looked over at the girl who was sitting her school uniform, only her legs were bare where she'd removed her socks. "Why didn't you go home and get changed first? The neighbours will talk."

"I'm eighteen, Lando. I'm eighteen years old and in sixth form, I'll be attending university in September. This is just clothes," She reminded him as she rolled my eyes. "Just chill out. Anyone would think you was my dad."

"Not dad," he laughed as he walked towards her. "But I can be your daddy."

"Calm down," Keke giggled as Lando crouched down next to her. Grabbing hold of his hand, she pulled him close before placing a kiss on his lips. Lando reached for the young woman, pulling on her white shirt they fell back on the tiled ground, their lips still attached. 

Their moment together was halted when the doorbell rang throughout the home, Lando pulled away from the young woman before he got back to his feet. "Just hold that thought, I'll be right back, Ke."

She watched him walk away, she slowly kicked her legs in the water as she sat back up. Keke had been spending a lot of time with Lando recently, they had been friends for a while and somehow she'd changed their relationship just a few months back. 

A few minutes passed before Lando returned to the back garden, poolside area. Keke turned her head to look but found Lando was no longer alone, now he was accompanied by another young man. "Ke, this is Max. Max this is Keke," Lando did quick introductions as he walked around the pool.

"Hi," Keke called out to the other guy as she looked over at him. 

Max nodded at the brunette before he looked back at Lando. "So, are we going to go over the notes?" 

Keke wanted to roll her eyes, all she wanted to do was spend some alone time with Lando. She watched as the two young lads sat together at the wooden patio set. They started to talk about something Keke wasn't interested in. 

She removed her tie before unbuttoning her white shirt and removing it, she looked back up but no one had noticed her. Pushing off the ground, she jumped down into the pool, the cool water hitting her body as she submerged herself under the water. When she surfaced, she was greeted by both of the lads looking at her as they stood at the edge of the pool. 

"What are you doing?" Lando asked her as he looked over her, he couldn't help but look down at the white bra she wore. It was not sexy, more innocent but seeing her in the pool, soaking wet with hard little nipples made it alluring. 

"I'm just feeling a little warm," she lied as she looked up at him with wide eyes. "So, I thought this might cool me down."

Max watched the young woman, she didn't seem to be scared of a thing. The fact that she was standing in a swimming pool right now in her see-through white bra and school skirt said she was fearless. 

She tilted her head as she looked between Lando and Max before settling on Lando. "You're usually begging me to take a swim," she reminded him as she winked. 

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