2 & 5 (2) Carlos Sainz

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"Tonight could be the night you and Carlos finally get it on," Sandra said playfully as she watched me from the hotel bed as I straightened my hair in the mirror. 

I looked at her in the mirror before looking away, when I saw myself in the mirror I saw the colour that had stained my cheeks. "There is nothing between myself and him."

Sandra snorted loudly, "I've seen the way you look at him."

"I don't know what you think you have seen," I rolled my eyes as I continued to use the flat iron on my black hair. "I can assure you that there is nothing going on between me and Carlos." I shook my head as I turned around and looked at her face to face, "Besides I hear he's bringing Helen along."

"Really?" Sandra was quick to speak as before she raised her eyebrows at me. "Because I heard that Carlos and Helen broke up around two months ago."

Ignoring her words I looked back in the mirror. I already knew that Carlos and Helen broke up two months back, I knew that six months before they were having problems. Helen was a lovely woman but over time the relationship she shared with Carlos had broken down. Carlos had shared a lot of details with me regarding the break down of and end of the relationship. Being his personal assistant meant that we spent more than enough time together, in fact too much sometimes. 

Getting to my feet, I switched off the plug to my straighteners before I looked back at Sandra, "I won't be long. I have to make sure Carlos has his shit together," I laughed as I picked up my clutch bag and tucked it under my arm.

"You're only his assistant during work time," Sandra groaned as I got to the door. 

I laughed, "It doesn't work like that."

She rolled her eyes, "He's a man. Someone needs to keep him in check, don't you think?" I didn't let her answer before I left the room, a slight smile on my face as I made my way to the room next to mine. 

Knocking lightly on the door, I waited for a moment before the door was pulled open. Carlos looked at me, his tight set of buttons on his blue shirt were unbuttoned and his cream tie was around his neck untied. I laughed at him as he pouted, "I think I might need some help."

I stepped into the hotel room, closing the door behind me as I followed him into the main part of the room. Tiptoeing, I buttoned up the top buttons as I stared into his dark eyes. "Are you returning home for Christmas?" I asked him quietly as I looked up at him. 

Carlos' gaze was intense as he looked down at me, "My flight is booked for tomorrow afternoon." 

Nodding slightly I looked down at the tie as I tied it for him, my fingers stroking the smooth silky material as I did so. "That's a shame," I spoke in a sad tone. "Who's going run around after you when you're back in Spain?"

"I'm sure I'll be able to manage," he chuckled as I stood away from him and admired the handy work I did with his tie. 

"What do you think?" I asked him as he turned and looked in the mirror. 

He grinned, "Perfectly." 

I looked at his stupid floppy hair and his annoyingly handsome face before I reached for his tie pulling it hard ruining the hard work I had done before I smirked at him. "See you at the party," I winked before I left him standing there wide-mouthed before I left his room. 


Holding my glass of prosecco in my right hand, I smirked to myself as I sat with Sandra, Julia and Anne-Marie at the Christmas gathering that Mclaren held their staff. I was Carlos' personal assistant, Sandra worked as Carlos' press officer, Julia worked as the personal assistant to Zak Brown one of the managers at McLaren, Anne-Marie, she was a different story though. She didn't work for the company but she spent a lot of time with the everyone at this table, being married to Oliver Turvey one of the test drivers. 

"Well, well, well," I spoke to myself as I kept the same smug look on my face as I held my glass close to my chest as I watched Carlos enter the room. 

He was no longer wearing his tie, he'd even changed his shirt to a white one. He looked at little irritated as he looked around the room before his eyes landed on me. I waved my left hand at him, just a small casual wave before I raised my glass to him and turned my attention back to the women at my table. 

"What have you done to him?" Julia asked me as she looked at me after looking at Carlos. 

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no idea what you are talking about." I put my glass to my lips before I took a large mouthful then placed the glass down. 

Crossing my arms over my chest, I watched as Carlos headed towards a table where Lando and a few engineers were seated. "Oh come on," Julia touched my arm getting my attention. I looked at her as she smiled and shook her head slightly. "You've got to go and help him out." She rummaged in her bag before she pulled out a blue tie, "I keep a spare, I never know when Zak will need one."

I sighed before reaching for the tie and smiling, "Thank you." I got to my feet quickly finishing off my wine before I walked towards the bar, tie in one hand and clutch in the other. 

As I neared the bar, I was intercepted by Zak Brown who greeted me with a tight hug and a smile. "Nice to see you, Cheri," he smiled at me when he pulled away from me. "Will you be spending Christmas here in England?"

"I have no plans to go anywhere else," I said sadly. "Unfortunately my parents are heading to America for Christmas so it looks like I will be spending it alone this year."

He patted me on the shoulder, "I'm sure it will all work out." 

Smiling, I nodded. "Me too."

By the time I got to the bar, it was a lot busier than I imagined. Pushing my way through to the front, I placed my elbows on the bar. "Look who it is," I heard a voice from next to me. I turned my head and looked at Carlos who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"Nice to see you, Carlos," I smiled, playfully. "I must say you are looking great tonight, something is missing though."

His eyes glanced down at the tie in my hands before he looked back into my eyes. "You don't say," he looked up above us. "Look what we're standing under, it's like it's meant to be."

Casting my eyes above me, my heart pounded quickly before I returned my gaze to Carlos. "Oh, you wouldn't like it." I reached forward to him, my hands threading the tie around his neck under his collar before I started to tie it. "Besides, we both know it's only banter." I didn't want to feel anything for him if he didn't feel the same way, it was easier to tell myself it wasn't happening. 

Carlos touched my face, pulling my chin up to look at him as I held his tie tightly. "Kiss me. If there's really nothing there, just kiss me." He winked as he held my gaze. "Besides this mistletoe, is only a stupid Christmas tradition." Leaning close to me, his lips mere millimetres from mine, "It doesn't mean anything, does it?"

I wish I could say it meant nothing but I knew how I felt about him. "Absolutely not," I lied before closing my eyes and pushing my lips against his. Carlos' lips were a lot softer than I imagined, I melted against his touch, my hands on his tie as I pulled him closer to my body. His right hand remained on my chin holding it there but his left hand was on my cheek as I allowed him to kiss me for a lot longer than someone who kisses a friend under the mistletoe. 

When he pulled away, my eyelids fluttered open staring up at him as I fingers fumbled blindly with his tie. "It's a silly tradition," I managed to mumble before I fixed the tie and glanced back at him. "But maybe you could start carrying around a sprig of mistletoe so we can do it more often." Carlos smirked before he kissed me again, my lips moving in sync against his as I thought of nothing more than this moment.

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