43(PC) - Lando Norris

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I adjusted my black hair so it was over my shoulders, I was still getting used to the colour change after having pink hair for so long. The black was just slapped on to hide the pink, to match how I was feeling inside. Walking through the garage, I looked over at my ex-boyfriend who was currently with Carlos talking about the race. 

Holding my headphones close to me, I put them over my head pretending to listen to music but I was actually listening to their conversation. The sad music I listened to on a crazy low volume, my mind not letting me listen to anything other than these songs that only made me worse. I wasn't crazy, I was just heartbroken. 

When we broke up at the end of last weeks race, I was devastated. He'd told me he didn't want to be with me because it just wasn't working out, I knew the truth, I had done for a while. I'd met the woman he'd been sleeping with behind my back, Bonnie was her name. She was perfect, blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes. Slim, tanned and someone any man would be proud to have on their arm. 

Moving around, I stared at the computer as I started to input data for the new equipment. 

"If we don't make a move on the first lap, we'll be stuck for the rest of the race," Carlos said to Lando as they stood next to Lando's car looking at the front wing. 

Lando crossed his arms over his chest as he glanced over in my direction, I saw his reflection in the computer but I kept my eyes on the screen. 

"Bonnie is coming later," Lando leaned closer to Carlos. 

Carlos sighed, "Do you think that's a good idea?" His voice was barely auidble, a hiss if anything. 

I continued to type on the screen as I listened. 

Lando shrugged his shoulders, "Whatever. Me and Bonnie, it's going places. We've brought a house, put a deposit down and everything."

My heart felt like it was being ripped even further out of my chest, I knew he was sleeping with her before our relationship ended but I didn't think it was that serious. I stared at the screen, my own tears blurring my vision as the conversation continued. 

"Wait a minute, hold on," Carlos said quietly. "I thought it was quite new between you and Bonnie."

I didn't hear the next few words, I got up from my seat, my eyes glancing up at them as they both looked over at me. I pretended not to have listened to a single word they said which was hard enough. Leaving the main garage area, I headed towards the first part which lead out to the private areas where I found myself face to face with Bonnie. 

Her mouth moved as I looked at her, "Hi, Bianca."

Removing my headphones, I rested them on my shoulders as I stared at her. I couldn't bring myself to smile, I did manage to speak though. "Bonnie," I gave her a small nod. 

"Where's Lando? I have some exciting news for him," she announced to me as she gave me a stupid grin. 

I resisted the urge not to gag at her, I did roll my eyes instead as I muttered, "Don't tell me you're pregnant."

She looked at me, her face looked shocked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "How did you...?" She looked down at her body trying to work out if her appearance had given it away. "Do you think he'll be happy?"

My lips were in a thin line as I looked at her like she was an idiot. "How would I know?" I couldn't help myself but snipe at her as I spoke. "It seems like I don't know him at all."

"You're his race engineer," she said in a happy voice. "Apart from Carlos and myself, I would have thought you would have known him the most."

I nodded my head, "Just his race engineer?"

She looked confused as she looked behind me, her eyes glancing back to me before I turned around to see Lando and Carlos standing there. I raised my eyebrows but I looked back at Bonnie, "Congratulations." I walked away leaving her with Lando to explain what I meant. 

As I headed through the VIP area, I heard my name being shouted. I turned back around to see Carlos, "Wait, Bianca."

Watching him as he jogged over to me, I put my hands on my hips trying to keep up the cold act I had managed so far. "What do you want?" I asked him once he was in front of me. 

"He's young and living his life for the moment," he explained in the worst possibly way. "One day he's going to have to grow up but maybe you and him breaking up, maybe it's for the best."

I had never thought about it being for the best but when I think about Bonnie being pregnant and tying him down it makes me glad it's not me. Smiling, I hug Carlos surprising him before I speak in a smug tone, "He's going to be growing up sooner than he thinks." 

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