28(2) - Charles Leclerc

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My weekend had been one of joy, uncertainty and love all in one and in that order. Race weekends really were something I lived for, especially if it meant I got to see the love of my life doing something that he enjoyed so much. Now though, the weekend was over and the Monday morning had come around too quickly, I was supposed to be returning home today but I had made other plans instead. Today, I was going to be the opposite to what my partner and everyone else thought I and other females supporting the drivers would do, today I was going to hang around and help with the clean up for the race cars, the track and getting everything ready for the journey to the next stop. First, though, I had to let my boyfriend of two years know. 

I awoke next to him in our bed in the hotel room I had booked out for the evening. We'd spent the other nights in his work motorhome but I thought to book it as a treat since he thought it was my last night with him before I returned home without him. When I turned over to him, he wasn't there though. My hands felt the side he'd slept on but it was cold meaning he'd left it some time ago. 

"Charles," I called out hoping that he would pop out from wherever he was hiding. Listening I noticed that the shower wasn't running, getting to my feet I observed that the bathroom door lock wasn't even locked. I pushed open the door to the adjoining room but found it was empty leaving me alone in the hotel.

My heart was heavy as I pulled my clothes on before making the bed and leaving the hotel room, my mind full of questions as I got into the lift and headed to the lobby. Once at the desk, I handed my card to the young man behind the counter, he looked at it before he held up a finger, "I have a message for you."

I raised my eyebrow, "Was it from the man who stayed with me last night?"

The lad handed me an envelope, "Yes. He didn't want to wake you, so he left this here for you."

Taking it, I looked at it in my hands before I glanced back up, "Thanks." I left the hotel, unlocking my SUV as I walked towards it, my lips in a thin line before I climbed into the driver's seat. Once I was alone, I ripped the envelope open and pulled out the small piece of paper that was inside. My eyes read over the words as quickly as possible before I screwed it up and put it on the passenger seat of my vehicle before driving away from the hotel. 

Heading to the track, I parked up in the nearest car park before I took the walk towards the cleanup area. No-one stopped me from walking through, I did see a few people stare at me before radioing through my name being mentioned on the radio as I headed to the Ferrari garage. 

"Carmen," I was stopped by Sebastian as I took my first steps in the garage. He stood in front of me, his hands up stopping me from walking any further before he smiled at me. "What are you doing here?"

My eyes looked down at his hands before I raised an eyebrow as I met his gaze, "What's going on Seb? Where's Charles?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I think he's moving the car." He tried to think of an excuse but the slowness in his reply told me he didn't know either. 

"I just need to find him," I said as I tried to get passed him but he continued to block my path. Giving up, I stopped in my tracks and ran my fingers through my hair, "What are you hiding from me?"

Sebastian's playful expression changed to one of sadness before I bit my lip. I didn't want to think the worst but right now that's all that was on my mind. "It's not like that," he muttered but I shook my head and walked passed him. 

Making my way through the garage, I opened the door at the back which leads to another door where Charles had his own private room. Standing outside of that door, I heard him talking to someone else. 

"About now she should be on her way back to Monoco," I knew his voice anywhere and knowing he was speaking about me like this upset me. 

I put my hand on the door handle but then I heard a reply, "What time's her flight?" That was the distinct voice of his assistant, Cherie. "You should call her when she gets back."

"I don't know," I heard his reply as I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked around to see Sebastian with a sad look on his face. "I'm not going to call her," Charles said as I let go of the handle and face Sebastian, my face dropping at Charles' words and secret conversation. 

"She's going to return back to your home, do you not think-"

"I know what's going to happen!" Charles cut her off abruptly, my eyes were wide at the sharpness in his voice. "Carmen is going-"

This time I interrupted him when I grabbed hold the handle and pushed the door open letting it slam against the wall behind it. My eyes were full of anger as I cast my gaze at the man who was meant to be my partner, meant to be the love of my life. "Carmen is going to be what?!" I snapped as I stared intensely at Charles, my hands were shaking, my insides were twisted and my mind was full of the worst thoughts. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked calmly as he looked at me. I noticed he didn't move, he was sitting on the sofa, his legs apart and his elbows resting on his knees, Cherie was standing against the opposite wall, her gaze on me as I stood there. "I thought you were on your way home."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "What's going on here?" 

"Nothing," he shrugged his shoulders as he stared up at me. He was leaning forward casually as he looked at me. 

"Do you really think I am that stupid?!" My voice was raised as I looked between the two of them. "No wonder you snuck out this morning, you couldn't wait to-"

Leaping to his feet, Charles cut me off quickly, "Do you think I am that stupid?" He returned the question to me, he shouted at me before he shook his head. "Leave us," he said quietly, Cherie left the room, I watched as she took Sebastian away with her before I looked back at Charles. My head was full of questions and my heart full of regret as I waited for him to speak. "You can't come here behaving like this."

"Like what?" I asked him as I raised my eyebrows. "Come on, Charles. What exactly is going on that you don't want me to see?"

He stepped towards me, his steps large and his manner aggressive, I took a step back but ended up stepping at an angle, my back hitting doorframe as I looked up at him. "There is nothing going on," he informed me as he kept the space small between us. "I was planning a surprise for you," he shook his head. "Like an idiot, I thought you would appreciate it, I guess I was wrong again."

"A surprise?" I choked the words out as I felt the regret pouring out of every vein. 

Charles sighed, "I was planning on getting the next flight and surprising you. Carmen has helped me plan at all, I'd booked some viewings on homes for us to look at. None of that matters now though," he backed away from me. "It's obvious you don't trust me."

I breathed heavily as I stared at him, "I do, it's just..."

"It's just nothing, Carmen. If you don't trust me then there is nothing left in this relationship." His words were harsh as spoke them, "I know you better than anyone in the world. Don't turn into someone you're not. This, though, this relationship is over."

"Over?" I repeated his last word as I sheepishly stood there. "This is all just a big misunderstanding."

Charles shook his head at me, "You have to leave Carmen, now!"

Looking at him, his eyes were narrowed and in that very moment, I knew his mind was made up. I turned away from him, my heart heavy before I walked away, I didn't know if this was definitely the end of me and Charles but I knew right now there was nothing to do to change his mind. 

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