16(TBP) - George Russell

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When Peaches returned home from the country manor in her local town, she poured herself a glass of wine before heading into the garden where her fiance was sitting in the sun. "Hey," she took her seat in her yellow lounge chair and looked over at her partner who was looking in her direction. 

"I didn't hear you get back," he told her as he raised his eyebrows. 

She laughed as she reclined the seat so she was half laying as she allowed the sun to kiss her skin. "Oh, babe, you missed it. The place was so beautiful," she told him as she pulled her sunglasses down from her hair to her eyes. 

"I've already seen it with you, why would I wanna go again?" He asked her as he looked back down at the magazine he was growing through. The truth was he wasn't even reading it, it was a distraction from this mornings events. 

Peaches glanced at George, sometimes he could be so grumpy. "What happened?"

"Nothing," he lied as he kept his eyes on the pages. 

Pouting her lips, she narrowed her eyes even though he couldn't see before she laid back down. "Okay," she knew he was lying but didn't let on. 

"So, I had your mother round this morning, do you wanna know what she said to me?" She looked at him as the words left his mouth, he looked livid as he looked back at her. His usual happy face was replaced with a deep frown and thin lips, his eyes were small and his hands gripped the magazine he held tightly. 

Peaches didn't know how to respond, she lifted her sunglasses up so they were making eye contact. She was confused as to why her mother would have been to see George, she had not spoken to her mother for at least seven years. 

He dropped the paper to the floor as he put his hands on the arm of the chair he sat in. "She told me that you are in love with someone else," the words that left his mouth were an evil lie created by her mother. 

"And you believe her?" Peaches asked the man who she was planning to marry, the reason she'd been to see the manor home again. Her eyes were bright in the sun as they reflected off the brown colour of them as she watched him waiting for an answer. "George?"

He sighed, "I don't know."

"We've been together for five years, George. Five years. In that time I have never mentioned my mother, she walked out of my life a long time ago and knows very little about me now. If she is someone you choose to believe over me, then go ahead. If you believe her or it's put even the tiniest bit of doubt in your head then I'll leave now." 

George stared at her, he didn't know how to react to her little speech. The woman he had fallen in love with had never once spoken like this, she'd never been this passionate about something over than himself. 

Getting out of her seat, she placed her wine on the table between them before she went into the home. She had heard him, the silence was enough for her to know how he was feeling. 

In the bedroom, she pulled her case from under the bed before pulling clothes out of the wardrobe when George entered the room. He stood between her and her case that laid on the bed. 

"I'm sorry," he said as he gripped her arms at the elbows. "I should have never let her in, I shouldn't have listened to a word she said. I love you," he was basically begging her. Peaches, the beautiful woman in front of her was the love of his life. 

The first day he met her, he knew she was the one. There was something special about the young woman he spotted getting involved in a mosh pit whilst at the main stage watching Slipknot. George watched from the sides before the young beautiful woman was crowd surfed out of the mosh, her long pink hair dangling freely, her tiny shorts and oversized tee seemed to swamp her tiny frame before she was placed at the back of the crowd. 

He walked towards her, her dark eyes catching him before she was intercepted by her friends. Then he tried to make it his mission to see her again Download festival which didn't happen. Then a couple of months later he spotted her again at another festival, there she was standing at the front waiting for Jamie T to come on stage. George took this opportunity, pushing through a couple of rows to get to her side where he struck up a conversation. 

The rest was history. She was perfect and to Peaches so was George. 

There was no way he was losing her now. Not like this. Not to a few words her mother had said. 

"You are perfect to me, Peaches," the words left his mouth easily as he was truthful. "I knew from the first moment I saw you that I was going to marry you. I knew I was going to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you."

"What was I wearing?" She asked him as she stared at him almost unimpressed by his words. 

He smiled as he thought about it. "Tiny blue shorts, a Nirvana top and black wellies. Your hair was pink then," he told her as she dropped the clothes she was holding. "It was Download, 2015."

Peaches looked at him with a loving look, she didn't want to lose him. "I love you," she whispered before leaning forward planting a kiss on his lips. 

George pulled her close to him, holding her tightly in an embrace. "I should have never doubted you, I know you much better than that."

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