10(TBP) - Lando Norris

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Sitting at her desk, Penelope buried her head in her hands as she let out a long sigh. "This is ridiculous, L," she looked up through her hands to her work colleague at the desk next to her. "It's half 12, what time you going to lunch?"

Luke looked over at the clock, his eyes glancing at it before looking back at her. "I dunno," he looked at the person behind them. "Pete?"

Pete turned around to the two others, "What we saying, 1?"

Penelope nodded, "Sounds good to me." She moved her head up and pushed her shoulder-length locks from her face. "I've been trying to purchase these bloody tickets all moving," She moved away from the screen so they could see what she was doing. 

"If it was anything else I would understand," Pete rolled his eyes at the blonde-haired woman. 

"You don't understand!" Penelope raised her voice as she started to get excited about what could have been. "It's One Direction! They are getting back together!"

Both the lads turned around leaving her with a goofy smile on her face before she went back to her screen refreshing hoping to buy some tickets for the reunition tour. 

At 1, the three of them headed out to lunch. The office they worked in was in the town centre, there they could head to a restaurant where they could share food together. Getting a table, they ordered their food and drink before all of them getting their phones out. 

"No luck on the tickets?" Luke asked as he glanced at Penelope. 

She sighed, "Absolutely not. This sucks. All I wanted was to see them live."

Pete laughed, "You're off your head. Pen, you have been obsessing over them for years. Just accept that you are not gonna get tickets."

"You're actually not," Luke piped up as Penelope and he made eye contact. "All sold out. Even the VIP and meet and greets are too."

A phone started to ring loudly and when Penelope looked down at the table, she realised it was hers. On the screen was her partner's name, she smiled before reaching down to answer it. Just as she went to press the button it stopped ringing.

"Trouble in paradise?" Pete joked as he looked over at her phone. 

She looked up at him, "Hey, I wouldn't say that."

"What would you say then?" The voice from behind her was enough to make her jump. 

Turning to see the person behind her, she grinned widely as she saw her boyfriend. Getting to her feet, she took a few steps to him before throwing her arms around him. "What are you doing here?"

He put his arms around her, "I wanted to surprise you."

"Oh, she's surprised," Luke said from the table. 

"Wait, wait, you weren't kidding," Pete's voice sounded surprised as he looked between Penelope and her boyfriend as she stood next to him. 

She laughed as he put his arm around her. "Lando," he said as he introduced himself to Pete first offering his other hand to Penelope's work friends. 

Pete shook his hand, "Pete, nice to meet you." Penelope watched as Pete's jaw seemed to hit the floor, she knew that when she first told him she was dating Lando Norris he thought she was overexaggerating.

Lando then offered his hand to Luke who awkwardly looked at it before shaking it. "This is Luke," Penelope said from Lando's side. "Are you joining us?"

He looked at the girl who smiled at him whenever she saw him. "I would love to, if you all don't mind."

No one disagreed, so Lando joined the friends for lunch only ordering a drink when the waitress reappeared telling Penelope that he'd eaten before heading out to see her. She watched as Lando interacted with Pete and Luke, the three getting along well. Pete was almost starstruck as he spoke with him to start with before long he'd settled down and was using his Pete charm to woo Lando over. 

"All morning Pen has been trying to get these tickets," Pete was telling Lando about her small issue. "Turns out, all sold out now."

Lando looked at her before raising his eyebrows, "One Direction?"

Luke and Pete laughed, Lando turning back to them before Luke broke it to her partner. "It's more Harry Styles than anything else."

She narrowed her eyes at her friend before shaking her head. When Lando turned back to her, she gave him a warm smile. "Harry Styles? You have a bloody thing for Harry Styles?" His tone was playful with a hint of seriousness underneath it. 

"I guess I'm a sucker for curly hair," Penelope laughed it off as she winked at him. 

Luke and Pete sniggered at her comment, she shot a look at them as she shook her head smiling throughout.

"Good job I got us a ticket each then when we go see them on tour," he told her as he put an arm around her at the table. 

Penelope's mind didn't quite process the words straight away, her face forming into a frown as she played the words in her head. Then it hit her, her lips curled into a massive smile before she put her hand over her mouth to stop the little excited scream she wanted to let out. Turning away from him for a moment, she felt the excitement bubbling inside of her as she felt her hands shaking. 

"And you've created a monster," Luke laughed as he looked at the young woman's reaction. 

Lando laughed with him as he kept a tight grip on the girl he'd fallen in love with. "I take it this means you're happy."

Turning her head back to him, she beamed up at him before kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you," she couldn't stop the wide smile on her face. "Thank you so much." She didn't know how else she could let him know she was grateful for what he'd done. 

"Just promise me you won't run off with Harry," Lando joked. "Especially when he uses that Styles charm on you," he hinted at the meet and greet he'd paid extra for. 

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