27(PC) - Charles Leclerc & Lando Norris (P2)

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'And if I couldn't have you I would probably go insane cause...'

Charles had not noticed anything was wrong over the past few weeks, he just went around like all was normal. Back home in Monaco, Octavia was anything but okay. Her mother was seriously worried about her. Octavia was out at all hours, she was going out to Monte Carlo where she drank, spent time on random people's yachts and caused a scene about anything. Her behaviour was becoming more and more erratic by the day.

Lando had been increasingly quiet at the track. The press had noticed the change in him. He was no longer the jokey young man he used to be, he'd become quiet and withdrawn but no one seemed to know why. His performance had boosted on the weekend that Charles found out about him and Octavia, his anger had pushed his driving and got him a respectable third place and a trophy but he soon realised none of it was worth anything if he wasn't happy. 

"When are you coming home?" Charles listened to his mother say as he sat in his garage looking at the screen which showed stats on his car. 

He sighed, "In a couple of days. Why?"

"Your sister, she's terrible at the moment. I've never seen her like this," Pascal knew that Octavia was closest to Charles even though he was not home as much. "I do not know why she is like this."

Charles got to his feet as he walked around to the front of his garage, "What is she doing differently?"

"She's never home," she told him as Charles looked over towards the McLaren garage where Lando was standing next to Carlos. Carlos had a big smile on his face as he spoke but Lando just stared a little blankly at him. "When she does come home she stinks of alcohol," Pascal confided in her son. "I think she might even be taking drugs."

His eyes widened as he thought about his baby sister doing those things. "You just have to keep her home, lock her in. I don't know, you are the one who is there." He didn't want to be the one to tell his mother that he might have been part of the reason Octavia was like this. Turning back to his own garage, he shook his head as he thought about what he had done. "I'll call her later, I'll speak to her."

He listened as his mother let out a sigh, "I think it might do her some good, Charles. Maybe, she will tell you what's wrong." 

"Maybe," he already knew what would happen if he called his sister. 


Practice was nothing exciting, Charles' mind was not on it. He was thinking about his sister, he hated to hear about how upset she was. When he finally exited his car after the end of the last practice session, the first thing he went to do was call Octavia. Her phone was going straight to voicemail, he called his mother again who just confirmed that she had gone missing again. 

He knew what he had to do, leaving his garage, he headed to the McLaren one where Lando was standing with Carlos looking at a screen. Carlos was the first one to look up, he noticed the man standing in red watching on, he nudged Lando who looked over before he got to his feet and walked towards the brother of his ex-lover. 

"Charles," he gave him a small nod as he looked at him. 

"Have you heard from her?" Charles was abrupt and to the point with his question. 

Lando sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest, "She messages me every night." He hated to think about it, "I never reply, if that's what you want to know. I never once asked her where she got the idea that I was seeing Louise. I did nothing."

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