14(TBP) - Max Verstappen (P1)

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'You would be there, when I needed somebody. You would be there, the only one who could help me'

"Hey, Max," CJ called out to her best friend as she approached him as he got out of his father's car. 

He smiled as he looked up at the blonde who was standing on his driveway next to his sister. "What are you doing here?" Max asked the young girl he called his best friend. 

"Is that any way to greet our guest?" Jos laughed as he slammed his car door shut and walked around before he gave the young blonde a quick hug. "Nice to see you, Clara." He kissed me on the right cheek before he shot his son a look then went inside the house. 

Victoria, Max's sister looked at her brother before raising her eyebrows, "What have you done this time?" She let out a chuckle as Max approached the two girls. 

Max wrapped his arms around CJ, he placed a kiss on her forehead before he looked at his sister. "You know what he's like," Max winked before he gave his sister a hug too then stood back and looked back at CJ again. "So, come on then, why are you here?"

CJ smiled, she looked at Victoria before she glanced back at Max. "Well, my parent's said I can come to Spain with your family."

"I thought you were going to come to Monaco?" He asked her in a confused voice. "What did my parents say?"

Victoria piped up, "You know our mother, she's happy with whatever."

Max turned his attention to his sister, "And dad?"

Victoria and CJ exchanged a nervous look before they both laughed. "He doesn't know yet," they both said at the same time. They then laughed again, their eyes looking over at Max who rolled his eyes then pushed passed them both and entered the house. 

"Something I said?" His sister called after him before the two girls laughed again. 


There was five days before the big race in Spain, that very evening CJ as to stay for dinner at the Verstappen household. She'd also be staying the night at their home before going to Spain with them the next day since her family no longer lived close to the Verstappen's. 

At the dinner table, CJ sat next to Victoria and opposite Max, the two parent's of the siblings, Sophie and Jos were the other side of Victoria and Max. "So, Clara, I hear you are coming to Spain with us?" Jos spoke up getting everyone's attention as they were halfway through the meals on their plates. 

CJ looked up at Jos and smiled, "Yes. Have you spoke to my father?"

Jos nodded, "We spoke this afternoon. Everything is all booked and paid for." He then turned his attention to his two children, "I do have some ground rules for Clara coming to Spain with us though." Biting her bottom lip, CJ felt awkward and out of place as he looked between his two children before he looked at her. "This is for all three of you."

"Come on, cut them some slack," Sophie said to her husband as she tucked her brown hair behind her ears and smiled. 

"I think laying down the rules now will be easier than if we do it when we get to Spain. This way we are all on the same page now." Jos spoke wisely to his wife before he looked back at the three teenagers. "There is to be no drinking, that includes you, Max," he looked at his son to make sure he was listening. Max was looking straight at his father, knowing that if he wasn't paying attention then he'd be called out. "You might be of legal drinking age but you are there for work not to party." 

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