19 - Lewis Hamilton

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Lewis found that life had changed for the better recently, he and his partner had recently had a baby, as recent as four months ago. Now his partner was due to head back on tour leaving Lewis for the first time ever alone with his daughter, Florence. The first few hours had been easy, he'd taken his daughter out in the car, she slept on the trip before waking up and happily watching the world go by from the comfort of her pram. 

By the time Lewis arrived home, Florence had turned from a happy baby into a little demon. He'd tried feeding her, burping her, changing her and even singing to her only for her to continue to cry like a banshee. 

"Flo," he patted her bum as he held her close to his body and rocked her in his arms. "You've got to calm down baby girl." 

His daughter didn't listen though, she was only a baby and didn't know any better. 

Lewis didn't know what he was supposed to do with her, he couldn't ring Rita, she was away on tour and didn't need her to think he wasn't coping. At this moment in time though, Lewis was not coping. 

He tried to block out her screams for a moment as he tried to think of the best thing to do. His mother was miles away, his father and stepmother were on holiday in Spain and his brother and sisters were miles away doing their own things. Suddenly, living in his massive house miles away from everyone seemed like the wrong decision. 

"Alright baby girl," he tried to soothe her but she continued to protest loudly. "I just don't know what you want, Flo." It took a lot for him to admit he had no idea what he was doing, but right now he was out of ideas. 

Walking through to the kitchen, he tried to offer her bottle to her again but she ended up just spitting it out and screaming even louder. 

Lewis was at the end of his tether, he slipped his hand into his pocket before pulling out his mobile phone. Florence's face was as red as a tomato and her screams were getting louder and more high pitched as he tried to rock her in his left arm whilst uising his right hand to naviagte through his phone. 

Scrolling through his contacts he tried to see who would be a help to him, a lot of his friends were either miles away or didn't have children. Then his thumb hovered over a name, Sebastian. Slowly he pressed the screen, anything was worth a try right now. 

He watched the screen, Florence's screams louder than the phone on loudspeaker before he finally heard a voice thorugh the babie's crying. "Hello?"

"Sebastian!" Lewis was estatic to hear his voice, "Please, you gotta help me with Florence?"

"Is she hurt?" The German man asked throguh the phone, his accent apparent as he asked hte question. "I can barely hear you."

Lewis groaned as he realised this conversation was going to be pointless unless he could actually hear Sebastian's voice. Making the heartbreaking decision, he placed Florence in her Moses basket in the living room before he walked towards the window, even though she was still screaming he hoped he could hear Sebastian a little more. 

"You've got to help me," Lewis practically shouted as he held the phone close to his face but kept his eyes on his daughter. "Florence won't settle down, she has been crying uncontrollably for what seems an eternity."

Sebastian let out a laugh, "Sounds like you are in quite a pickle there."

Lewis rolled his eyes as he listened to his friend's voice. "Seb, I have no idea what I am doing. You have to help me."

The German listened to his friend's request, they had been through some rough times recently in their friendship yet they always pulled through. "Maybe you should try begging." Sebastian teased his work colleague as he listened to the young girl crying, he had brought up two children, he knew how to handle babies. "I think that might help."

Lewis groaned loudly as he turned to look out the window into his garden, "I'm begging."

"You are not begging," Sebastian laughed as Lewis returned closer to his crying daughter. 

Florence's little red face and fast-flowing tears were too much for him. He wished he knew what to do to make her stop, he wanted her to be happy and the sweet baby she had been when her mother was here. 

"Fine!" Lewis gave in as he realised he had nothing to lose. "Please, Sebastian." Lewis took a deep breath, "I really need you to come over, help me with Flo. I need you to show me what to do."

Sebastian would have been there anyway without the begging. He just wanted to mess with Lewis for a bit. "I'll swing by," he managed before he ended the call, leaving Lewis in limbo. 

Ten minutes passed by before Lewis heard the doorbell over his daughter's shrieks. Carrying his baby girl he pulled the door open to his friend, who had a gleeful smile on his face. "Well, what seems to be the problem?" Sebastian asked as he reached across and took the small child into his arms. 

Lewis was exhausted and didn't complain when he handed over Florence. "She just won't stop, I've tried everything."

Sebastian smiled as he comforted the small screaming tot, putting her close to his chest as he stepped into the house. "She just needs the magic touch," slowly he rocked her soothing her, her screams coming to an end before she closed her eyes. 

"What did you do?" Lewis' voice was a whisper as he stared at his sleeping daughter. "I've been losing my mind."

"She just needs some of her uncle Seb's attention," Sebastian sat on the sofa with Florence and held her close to him keeping her safe. "I'll let you in on a little secret," he said as Lewis relaxed on the chair opposite. Lewis watched him, waiting for his advice, hanging on his every word. "I have no idea what I am doing still. Hanna just guides me."

Lewis shook his head as he smiled. "If only having children was an easy as driving."

"It would be great," Sebastian said before he handed the young child to her father allowing her to sleep in her dad's arms. "But nothing will be ever as beautiful as your children. No car compares to how it feels when you hold your baby in your arms."

When Lewis looked down at Florence, he knew the words Sebastian spoke were true. He'd never seen or held someone as beautiful in his life. He wanted to spend every moment with her, he knew he would do anything for her, end the world for her if he had to. 

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