31(TBP) - Callum Ilott

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In my chest, my heart was jumping around frantically the same way it always did when I was in the presence of my boyfriend. Turning my head to look at him as we casually walked through the busy streets of Cambridge, I smiled as I took in his appearance for a moment before being dragged back to the real world. One of the many cyclists rang their bike's bell before Callum pulled me closer to him, my eyes narrowing at the bike rider who rudely headed off. 

"Every time we're here, you always seem to nearly get mown down," Callum laughed as he tightened his hand around my clammy right one. "Maybe we should get you a bike."

Laughing, I tried to shrug off the cyclist incident, "No thank you." Putting on a fake posh voice I straightened my back as I mocked people I had heard, "Darling, I would never be caught riding through town on a bike." Putting my hand on my chest, I continued to mock, "My life is all about private jets and fancy hotels."

"Well, sweetheart," Callum mimicked my voice pulling me close into him as he unlocked his hand from mine and put his arm around my shoulders instead. "You'll get your wish of a private jet by the end of the month," he kissed me on the cheek before speaking again. "There is a hotel less than a couple of minutes from here, let's go." His voice went back to normal as he watched me watching for my reaction. 

I stopped walking as did he as he gave me a smug look. 

"Well, what do you say, sweetheart?" He asked as he looked at my open mouth. 

There didn't seem to be any words leaving my mouth. If I was honest my brain was barely functioning as I just stared at his face. 

He shook his head before he walked on leaving me like an idiot before I was rudely sworn at by a cyclist for standing like an idiot in the middle of the path. 

"Come on," Callum grabbed my hand as he pulled me away from my spot. "How about we get a spot of lunch? Put your mind at ease, babe."

I looked at him as I let out a chuckle, "Babe? You've never called me 'babe' before." 

Callum laughed, "There's a first time for everything, Ava." He nudged my shoulder as he walked next to me, "Like randomly booking into a hotel." He winked at me before he looked ahead and led the way. 

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