Flirty - Max Verstappen

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My lips curled into a smile as my feet ground to a halt from all the running I had just done. "I fucking hate running," I laughed as I leaned my hands on my knees and hunched over but kept my eyes on my friend, Laura. 

Laura stared down at me as she put a hand on my back and then slapped it. "You are so weak, Celeste!" She sipped her water before pushing the bottle into my direction. 

Grabbing the bottle from Laura, I quickly put it to my lips before taking massive mouthfuls. Pulling the bottle away from me, I squatted Laura's hands away before I polished off her drink. 

"You are so mean!" She pushed on my right arm as she snatched her now empty bottle back.

Straightening myself up, I shook my head. "I'm so unfit," I complained as I put my arms around her and pulled her into a tight, sweaty hug. "You love me, really."

Laura rolled her eyes as she put her arms around me too. "Something like that," she told me as she pulled away from me. "I'm going to head to the showers," she smiled before she started to walk away. Quickly, I caught up with her, my feet walking in sync with hers. 

"I don't know why you brought me camping," I complained as I kept up with her. 

She laughed, "Why do you hate camping so much?"

Linking my arm through hers as we left the wooded area and made our return to the campsite, I continued to talk to her. "Where do I begin?" I said as I sighed loudly. "I hate the tents; I hate the outside, I hate the cold, I hate having no way of making sure I am safe at night."

"What do you want, then?" She asked in a teasing voice. "A nice warm bed and a maid on tap?"

"Just the bed will do," I laughed as we made it onto the campsite. "Well, would you look at that!" My voice was loud as I pointed to a large motorhome tucked in the corner of the campground near the tent Laura had pitched for us. "When I go camping that's the kind of thing I want to be staying in," I looked at it dreamily as I trudged towards our tent. "But no, Laura wants a tent."

Laura nudged me before she broke into a jog, "You don't have to say yes!" She called as she headed towards the tent.

I watched her as I sauntered, my hands feeling in my jacket pocket before pulling out a packet of cigarettes and placing one between my lips before getting to my camp chair located outside of the tent, Laura had headed to the shower with her stuff leaving me to sit in the sun with my white stick of nicotine. 

"You know smoking will kill you," a male foreign voice spoke bringing out of the trance I had gone into. Looking up at him, I shielded my eyes from the sung as I stared at the man who was interrupting my one moment of pleasure. 

Shrugging my shoulders, I smiled, "We're all going to die at some point." I wasn't very optimistic as I stared at the man who was a little overdressed for the British sun that was beating down on us. "Are you cold?" I asked him as I raised an eyebrow as I examined his attire. He was wearing a thick red jacket with blue jeans; his jacket was zipped to the top so I couldn't see a t-shirt underneath indicating how cold he was. 

He looked at me like I was the strange one, "What?"

Laughing, I shook my head before I motioned to his jacket before dragging on the cigarette that laid between my left-hand forefingers. "It's the height of summer, why are you dressed like it's winter?"

"It's not the height of summer as you say," he laughed. 

I pulled my phone from my pocket and unlocked it, checking the home screen before I shook my head and looked back at the young man who was standing there. "It's 20 degrees; it's too much for me." I tilted my head at the guy before I smiled, "Where are you from?"

"I live in Monoco," he told me.

I motioned for him to sit in Laura's chair before I spoke again as he sat down, "But where are you from?" I asked him, trying to work out his accent. 

"Ah, sorry. I'm from Belgium," he offered me his hand as he smiled. "Max," he told me his name as I shook his hand. He certainly had a firm grip; his hand was massive compared to my small dainty hand with tiny slim fingers. 

"Sorry, I'm a little sweaty," I wiped my hand when I took it back. "I'm Celeste," I told him as I managed a smile. "Sorry, my friend insists we go running at least once a day."

He looked me up and down, "You're already pretty fit."

My mouth fell open as I stared at him, "Thanks." I was a little unsure of what the correct response was. "You're not too bad yourself," I replied as I checked him out. Jesus, what was I doing? I swear he looked like he was younger than me, my looks were kind to me as I looked like I was only nineteen, but the truth was I was verging on twenty-five, not that I would let people know I didn't need to.

"So, tell me, Celeste, where are the best places around here to get a drink?" He asked me as he watched me flick my fag away.

"There's a pub at the end of the street," I told him as I shrugged my shoulders. "Although if I were you, I would go out of your way to head into the town centre to Pinks. They serve the best cocktails."

He smiled at me, "And how would you feel about accompanying me there for a drink or two?"

Widening my eyes at him, I grinned madly, as I blushed. "Oh, I would-"

"Cel!" I was interrupted by Laura's loud voice shouting me. I turned my head to look at her; she was holding her stuff in her hands, ready to shower but staring at me as she shook her head. "Are you coming or what?"

I rolled my eyes as I groaned before I turned my attention back to the lad who was waiting for my answer. "I'm sorry," I got to my feet as I smiled. "I have to go."

"So, tonight?" He asked as he gave me a slight smirk.

My eyes looked back at my impatient friend before looking at the foreign man who seemed very sweet. "Sure," I answered him, surprising myself. "But I have to warn you; there won't be any chance of you coming back to mine afterwards." I winked as I tilted my head towards the tent. 

"Well, I'm sure there's enough room at mine," I joked before he winked and walked away. I watched him, but it was only a short journey as he entered the motorhome opposite my tent leaving me standing there like an idiot. 

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