Hot Chocolate - Lando Norris

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Slipping my hat over my honey hair, I smiled widely before I pulled my snood up and stepped out onto the ice. Pushing off from the side of the ice rink, I skated over towards my group of friends who were already on the ice. As I approached them, I put my arms around the two closest as I came to a stop in the middle of the rink where they were stood chatting. 

"About time," Sam laughed as I leaned close against her. 

I laughed as I put both my arms around her and held her in a hug, "Well I see you guys started the party without me." I looked at the small plastic mug in her hands. 

Sam rolled her eyes, "I was not waiting all night for you to get here." She offered her mug to me which I gratefully took, moving my snood down, exposing my mouth before drinking the remaining contents, the warm beautiful liquid sliding down my throat with ease. "Better?"

Nudging her, I smiled as I handed her cup back. "Can we go skate?" I looked up at the group who were busy chatting away before I shook my head. 

Sam took my hand before we moved away from our friends, my lips curling into a massive grin as we skated in the same direction as all the others who were actually using the rink properly. Holding hands, we laughed as we joked and skated together.

Ten minutes passed us by, our friends had dispursed off into separate groups chatting or skating. My attention was swiftly distracted when my bucket hat was ripped from my head. I abruptly ground to a halt on my ice skates before turning to see the culprit, my eyes widening as I smiled with joy when I saw who it was. "Hey," I tried to be serious as I tried to reach for my bright pink bucket hat. "Give it back, Lando!"

He winked at me, "Come on, Serena." Lando put my hat on his head and pulled me close to him, hugging me. "You have never complained about me taking your stuff before." He laughed before he kissed me on the cheek, "Wanna get some hot chocolate?"

I pulled away from him and narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm only going to get hot chocolate with you if you give me my hat back?"

Lando laughed before he reached into the pocket of his large grey coat before pulling out his own hat and pulling it over my head. "I think mine can keep you warm for a bit," he winked at me playfully. "As long as you return it," he pulled on my hand and pulled me along on the rink towards the edge. 

I smiled, happy to let him pull me along to where he wanted me to be. "When did you get back?" I asked him as we gripped the edge of the rink stopping before taking a few steps off the ice to rid ourselves of our skates. 

"Well," he raised his eyebrows as we sat on the bench unstrapping our skates. "Today, actually." 

"Today?" My voice was full of shock and surprise. "Aren't you tired?" I looked over at him, my eyes scanning over his face looking for any hint of fatigue. 

He shrugged his shoulders, "I heard you guys were out so I thought, why not?"

I took my deep breath as I managed a smile, "I have to tell you something." This always happened when he was around, I got caught up in the moments I spent with him I forgot about the truth. 

As he looked up at me I felt a hand on my right shoulder, then I knew it was too late. "Babe, you didn't say Lando was returning." I looked up and stared at the lad I had recently entered into an exclusive relationship with, JD. He was part of the friendship group I had amassed over the years, he was a lovely guy and recently we'd spent more and more time together and even became a couple. 

Looking back at Lando, he smiled. "Did not see you two happening," he spoke as he pulled his trainers on before standing up and shaking JD's hand. "How are you, man?"

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