6(TBP) - Charles Leclerc

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Picking up my water bottle from the side, I looked out of the window as I took a deep breath. 

"Thought you might be here," the familiar voice spoke from next to me. 

Turning my head to the right, I smiled at the dark-haired lad who was looking at me. "Hey," I held my bottle close to me as I gave him a big grin. "I'm just leaving," I told him as I started to walk away. 

"So, you'll be here tomorrow?" He called after me. 

Looking back at him, I shrugged my shoulders before he winked at me. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I turned back around and headed out of the gym. 

This had been going on for at least two weeks now, I still didn't know his name but we'd spoke several times but usually as I was about to leave. He'd even tried to come in early yesterday but I'd ended up coming in at the crack of dawn as I had to see a friend after the gym, catching him just as I left. 


Arriving at the gym, I headed to the window where I put my bottle before tightening my bandana which kept my wavy brown hair away from my face. "Leaving already?" There was the voice again. 

Turning to the guy, I smiled widely as I shook my head, "It seems you've caught me at a good time today." I stopped fiddling with my hair before I headed to the treadmill where I started at a slow pace, warming myself up. 

Within a couple of minutes, the man was on the one next to me. "So, do you come here a lot?" He asked as he started his machine. 

I looked in the mirror at him, "Almost every day when I'm not working." I sped my machine up as I broke into an intense walk. "Where are you from?" He had an accent which I just couldn't play, being from London I knew accents around these parts but his was foreign.

"Monoco," he told me as his eyes met mine in the mirror. "You're from here?"

Nodding, I smiled. "Sadly," I laughed before I took a deep breath before turning my machine up happy that I was about to break out into a run. My machine was set high, my mind concentrating on the task in hand now as I pounded my feet against the belt. 

"Nice work!" I heard my old PT and friend, Matt call out, looking up in the mirror I saw him glancing at me. 

I rolled my eyes before returning my mind to my running. 

At the end of my gym session, I grabbed my water bottle from the window before drinking it all. Wiping my mouth with my arm, I turned and looked at the guy who had been trying to get my attention for a couple of weeks. He was using the leg press, I shook my head as I walked towards him, sitting on a window near him before I smiled at him. 

He finished pressing the weight before stopping, sitting to the side as he looked at me. 

"I'm Paris," I extended my hand to him as my left leg bounced up and down. 

The guy reached forward, his hand gripping mine before shaking it. I was surprised at how dry his hand was compared to my sweaty one. Staring into his eyes, I couldn't help but smile. "I'm Charles," he told me. 

"Charles?" I repeated making sure I pronounced it correctly. He nodded as I laughed, "Well, it's nice to officially meet you." 


That was three weeks ago. I had gone out several times with Charles, but he told me that had to return to Monoco in a few days. Today though, we were going to do something I spent a lot of time doing and watching, it was only watching today, I wanted to see how Charles would react to this part of my life. 

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