10&11(2) - Lando Norris (P2)

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Lando had called Pippa's friends, but none of them knew where she'd gone most of them too drunk to even care. He drove to Blackpool at stupid speeds before he parked up at a spot where it was too late to get charged before hopping over the barriers and making his way over the beach looking for the girl he still cared for so much. 

As he power walked he found the bag he'd brought Pippa only a few months ago. Grabbing it from the beach, he wiped it off before he looked into it hoping to find something which would help him find her. There was nothing in there of any significance though, he took it with him as he carried on walking. 

His eyes scanned the beach as he walked before he spotted someone on the beach, they were laying on the sand. Lando broke into a run as he headed towards the figure. The closer he got, the more he realised it was definitely Pippa. 

"Pip!" His voice was shaky as he called out to her. Getting to her, he stared down at the young girl. In her hand was her mobile phone which was dead, her eyes were closed and her other hand was across her chest. He knelt down next to her, his hands touching her skin feeling how cold she was before he took his coat off and put it over her. "Bambi," he used his pet name for her before he gave her a small shake. "Pippa, come on."

The woman's eyes fluttered open, Lando coming into her vision. "What are you doing here?" She asked him almost disbelieving that this was real. She'd missed him so much, she had been the one to break out their relationship but she was the one who felt the most tortured about the whole thing. She didn't believe that he would come here, she thought after everything he would just let her suffer. 

He reached around her, helping her sit up. "You wanted to see me," he was honest with her. He knew he'd do anything for her. 

"I'm so sorry," she blurted out as the tears filled her eyes. "I'm sorry for everything."

Lando got to his feet, taking her hands helping her up to her bare feet before he wrapped the coat around her bare skin. Slipping his trainers off, he gave them to the redhead, "Put them on. We can get you back to your hotel room and wrapped up warm."

Pippa hated how much she loved him, "Why are you really here?" She stared down at his expensive shoes as she awkwardly stood, her little feet sinking in the sand. 

"You needed me, Pip. You know I would do anything for you."

Looking up at him, she wrapped her arms around herself pulling the coat further around her. "How can you just be here for me?" The drink was wearing off and now she was feeling sorry for herself. The truth about their breakup was hard, she had not lied to him when she said she couldn't handle the public eye and the fame that came with Lando, but she had her own issues. 

He stepped towards her, the chill catching him but he didn't care about himself. Lando wanted to make sure that the girl he was in love with was safe. "I know you might find it hard to believe, but I do love you. If you asked me to travel around the world to be where you are then I would."

She didn't like to think of him loving her so much. Pippa needed more than love in her life, she needed safe, she needed someone with her, she needed help with her head. Some of these things she had not ever shared with people out of her immediate family. 

Pippa put her feet into the trainers that waited for her, the oversized shoes brought some comfort to her before she looked up at him. "I'm sorry," she whispered as she closed the gap between them and put her arms around his midsection. Lando wrapped his arms around the beautiful red-haired girl before kissing her on the hair. 

"Let me take you home," he spoke as he kept his lips against her hair. "I can't bear to see you like this, Bambi."

As she leaned her forehead against his solid chest, she let the tears fall silently from her eyes. "I don't want you to feel sorry for me. This isn't me." Her words were a jumble. 

"I know you're drunk," he pointed out to her. 

She leaned her head up, he saw the tears but didn't say anything about them, instead, he wiped away the tears with his thumbs. "I'm not well," Pippa didn't like to talk about her illness with anyone but she though now in her drunken state was the best time to talk to him. "I have been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. It's something I have had since I was thirteen and it catches up with me more than I would like to admit." She closed her eyes for a few seconds before he put his hand under her chin getting her attention, her eyes opening again. 

"Pippa, I don't care about any of that. I want to help you with everything, I want to be there for you. Why don't you see that to me you are perfect?" Lando tucked loose hairs behind her ears. "Whatever you throw at me, I can deal with it as long as you let me."

The redhead managed a smile as she realised that the handsome man in front of her was beautiful inside and out. She knew right then and there that Lando would do anything for her. There was nothing she wanted more than to share everything with him. "Please don't say it if you don't mean it."

"I mean it," he kissed her forehead before stroking her head. "I'm always going to be here for you."

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