20(TBP) - Lando Norris

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I had to admit there were only a few things that scared me in life. Right now, I was as scared and nervous as any woman would be. It felt like it was only yesterday I met the love of my life, but it had been three years. Now, a lot of things had changed for us. 

Sitting in the kitchen, I was reading a stupid article on my laptop as I smiled to myself. I could hear Lando in the spare room, from the words and way he was getting excited I knew he was on twitch probably playing a game. 

My stomach was aching today, I looked down at it and groaned at the round bump that had started to really annoy me. It had been a long nine months, the end of my pregnancy was coming soon and I couldn't wait for it to be over already. Since I woke up I had been feeling pains on and off but I hadn't shared my concerns with Lando, not wanting to worry him. 

"Come on, little bean," I spoke to my belly as I rubbed it with both hands. "I think you've been in there long enough."

Getting to my feet, I walked around the kitchen but heading around the house. I stopped outside the spare room, my lips curling into a smile as I listened to my partner who was talking to his fans. 

"I don't talk about her often," he admitted. "It's actually Lara's due date today," he told everyone. "But so far, nothing to report." 

Opening the door slightly, I looked through the crack at him as I smiled. 

"She's probably getting some rest," he answered a question that had been put to him. 

I watched as he played a game on his other screen, he was playing Fifa, a game we had bonded over when we first got together. 

"Lando," I spoke his name softly as I opened the door a little wider. 

Turning in his seat, he looked at me with a smile and took his headphones off. "You okay, babe?" He walked towards the door, only he could be seen on the camera as he pushed some hair away from my face and looked at my face. "What's up?"

I knew I had to give him a heads up on how I had been feeling all day, "I'm just having some..." my mind wandered as I searched for the right word. "Twinges," I used a word different to pain. 

His hands landed on my swollen bump, "Do you have to get you to the hospital?"

Shaking my head, I laughed a little as I saw his eyes start to look around frantically, the panic setting in. "I'm just going to take a bath," I told him as I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. 

His touch was so gentle on my skin, "If you need me, just holler." He placed a kiss on my lips before returning back to his game. 

I smiled to myself before heading up the stairs. I didn't know if either of us were ready to be parents but it was happening sooner than we thought. 

Running the bath, I slipped out of my clothes before chucking in some bubbles. Once it was ready I climbed in, the water hot but nice against my skin. The twinges were becoming more frequent but I was hissing through the pain as I laid in the water. 

Closing my eyes, I tried to ignore the pain that I was feeling. 

Suddenly there was a sharp pain, my eyes flew open as I looked down at the water. My hands gripped the side of the bath as I stared at the red colour the bathwater was turning. 

"Lando!" I shouted loudly. "Lando!" 

Pulling myself up, the pain was horrendous as I stood up. 

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