52(PC) - Lewis Hamilton

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Avery had always been curious about life. She'd not wasted a single second during her years at school learning as much as she could. When she left school she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life, it seems she had no plan. Attending college, she studied Animal Management for the first year before she realised she did not want to work with animals in any form. The second-year she signed up for a hospitality and catering course, she continued to study that for 4 years before finally graduating. 

After college, she found herself a job working in a pub as the Chef's assistant, she'd hoped for more but even after four months she found herself still at the bottom. Then randomly she was offered a job in a restaurant, the man who asked her a was regular at the pub and he explained he owned the restaurant and wanted staff with qualifications similar to her own. 

Wasting little time, Avery started her new job. Her boss was a kind man, the head chef was someone who she could depend on, a man who gave her many opportunities and after a year he passed away. Avery was quickly promoted to the Head Chef position having worked closer with her predecessor. At 21 she was one of the luckiest people to ever find herself in that position, it didn't come without it's stresses though. 

She was given the free rein to be in charge, to hire people, to fire people, to create new menus, to buy produce, to train and cook to her own leisure. It was good for her though, she loved the responsibility and gave her the distractions and excuses to hide from the truth of her life. 


"There's a man out there who wants to meet the chef," Becca told Avery as she brought the empty plates through to the kitchen. 

Avery sighed as she continued to stir the pot of stock on the hob. "If he would like to meet me he will have to wait," her eyes glanced to the orders that were piling up on the side. "What does he even want?"

Becca shrugged her shoulders, "I guess it's one of those compliments things." She smoothed down her apron after putting the empty dishes in the sink. "He's also gorgeous and from his clothes, I guess he's minted."

Handing the wooden spoon to Nick, Avery walked towards the door, her eyes looking through the circular window hoping to catch a glimpse of this mystery man. Scanning over the people, her eyes landed on someone she recognised, celebrity Lewis Hamilton. "Him?" She asked as Becca stood next to her. 

"That's him," she grinned before Avery turned back to her kitchen. 

Avery smoothed down her apron again, she had bad social anxiety but knowing someone famous who wanted to meet her made her feel even more awkward. "Just quick," she said more to herself than anyone else. "I have a kitchen to run," she looked over at Nick before giving him a small nod. "You got this, right?"

"Yes, Chef," he said before she smiled at him. 

Heading out of the kitchen, Avery pulled her hat off holding it close to her body with her right hand as she ran her left hand through her lifeless hair. "Hello?" She said getting his attention, his eyes looking up at her. "You've been asking after the Chef?"

He raked his eyes over the young woman as he tried to work her out. "You're the Chef?"

"Head Chef," she nodded slightly before offering him her left hand. "Avery Bellamy."

Slowly, he reached her for her hand and shook it. "Lewis Hamilton," he held her hand for a seconds before finally let go. "So, you're the head Chef, how old are you?"

Avery put both hands on her hat wringing it as she spoke, "I'm 22." She awkwardly smiled as looked at him, his eyes twinkled as the light of the room hit them before her true smile came out. 

"You're 22? Don't most people go through years of training and building their career from the ground before becoming a head chef?" He leaned back in his chair as he watched her. "You didn't cook that, did you?"

The young woman raised her eyebrows playfully, "Did you enjoy it?"

Lewis gave her a small curt nod, "It was exquisite."

Avery was proud, happy to know her hard work was recognised and even though it was only a pub she worked in, she could please well respected celebrities. "I'm glad you had a nice meal, Mr Hamilton. I hope you join us again," she went to turn but he spoke getting her attention. 

"Avery, did you say?" She looked back at him and waited for him to speak. "Maybe next time we could arrange something a little more personal, just the two of us?"

She reached into her apron and pulled out a pen and an old order which was completed earlier. "Next time you're in the area, Mr Hamilton, give me a call." Scribbling her number down on the paper, she pushed it into his direction before she smiled. "Then I can show you my cooking skills, after all I am the Head Chef." She winked at him before returning to the kitchen, her lips in a smile which raised a few questions from the team. 

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