25(2) - Lando Norris

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Starr Jackson had always loved the winter months, especially December with Christmas only being two days away. This year was different though, Starr had hoped that her Christmas was going to be spent with her boyfriend, Lando, but it seemed like it wasn't going to work out that way. 

This evening, Starr was at the shopping centre with her friends. They had decided to do some last-minute Christmas shopping and she'd only gone along because she didn't want to be alone. The three women she went with were all so excited for their own Christmasses. 

Nadia had only just got with her boyfriend and everything was so new and cute, so good that they were going away tomorrow to stay in a cottage together for their Christmas. 

Shannon was planning on spending her Christmas surrounded by her family, her three young children, her husband and her parents, having the day filled with family, child based fun. 

And then there was Hannah, her Christmas had been planned since the year before, after she had finished shopping, her and her partner were heading to Centre Parcs for their Chrismas. She was going with a large group of family staying in close proximity and having a beautiful week away. 

Right now, Starr was going to be alone. Her mother did invite her daughter to go to her home, but to Starr's horror, she was spending her day with her boyfriend and his children. Starr's father had passed away when she was younger so she didn't have him to could rely on. Lando being home for Christmas was something the young woman hoped for so much, but he'd given her the dreadful news that his flight had been cancelled due to the heavy snowfall over Paris, there was no way he'd be home to spend the day with his girlfriend. 

As Starr trailed behind her friends, they all bragged to each other about their plans, the lonely woman tried to ignore them as she put her wireless earphones in, covering her ears with her black locks and playing some music to drown out their voices. Starr wished she had stayed home this evening now, she didn't know why she thought the company would be a good thing. 

"Starr," her attention was drawn back to the group when Shannon said her friend's name as she glanced back at her, waiting for Starr to walk next to her. When Starr caught up with her, she began to walk again. "What have you got Lando for Christmas?"

Starr sighed as she thought about it, truthfully she had brought him so much, little things that were personal to the young couple. "Not much," she told her as she paused her music and concentrated on her friend. "What do you buy a man who can buy whatever he wants? He had enough money that he doesn't need me to buy him anything too much."

"You are so lucky," she said in a dreamy voice. "Not only is he the cutest button, but he has money."

"And a nice behind," Nadia piped up before she giggled. "And don't any of you tell me you haven't looked."

Starr managed a laugh, to be honest, Nadia was correct. 

"Oh, and he's so charming. He's not like the usual men you date, Starr," Hannah joined in as she snuck a peek at her curly-haired friend before looking back around. 

"What do I normally go for?" Starr asked, curious about what her friends thought of her. 

Shannon and Nadia exchanged a look before Shannon braved it, answering Starr's question. "Mostly douchebags."

"Wait, what about Charlie?" Starr asked almost offended at her friend's opinion. 

Nadia chuckled loudly before she joined Starr on her other side. "Trust me, Charlie was the biggest douchebag you ever dated. Lando is sweet, he's nice to you, Starr. That's something you need in your life."

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