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"Smile here please, take off your masks." Flash! I blinked repeatedly, trying hard not to rub my eyes as we faced different cameras lined up in the arrival area. We obediently removed our masks, then fully faced them with smiles plastered on our faces. I raise my hand, waving at a few of our fans who actually came to greet us.

"G:NiE please look here!" Even this early, fans and most of the reporters were yelling on top of their lungs. Shouting our names left and right is starting to make my head pound. I held my bag tightly, grounding myself to continue smiling though my eyes are slightly starting to burn from the intense flashing of the cameras. Shutter clicks fill our ears, drowning most of their frantic calls of attention. "Another pose......, thank you!"

I still don't get how artists do this. They manage to wake up extra early to catch flights, sit still on an uncomfortable chair for hours, then appear flawless on camera acting like they didn't do all of those tiring things will remain a mystery to me. Its so difficult. My butt still hurts from sitting in one position for so long. I guess, we'll just have to get used to it.

"Here please!" Now we faced the other side, turning fifteen degrees to showcase our sponsored outfits.


They fortunately gave us a day to rest. The management, the next morning sent us our schedule planned for the whole month. I only scanned the neatly compiled paper for a short while but I can already feel how tiring this month will be. The time slots were so compact. Not as tight as our debut but I can sense a lot more choreographed tracks from the album.

"Yah, pass me the remote will you?" Ga eun lazily called from the other end of the couch. I rolled my eyes, foot automatically darting to the coffee table to reach the object. "Here," I purposely shoved it to her chest, making sure my foot fully stretched out and touched the tip of her chin.

"Aish, Jiwonnnnnn!" She whined, pushing my calf away after making sure to bite the skin.

"Turn it to Aneun Hyeongnim, I heard they'll have IU sunbae as a guest." I ordered,  leaving no room for arguments. I mentally cackled when she frowned. It was obvious that we have different tastes in variety shows. While she was an avid watcher of Runningman, I enjoyed watching Knowing Bros. which we fight over a lot since both are on different channels and also had the same time slot.

"Eh?! But I heard Runningman will have a—" A sudden knock on the door made both of us pause. Ga eun and I stared at each other for a moment, our brows knitting together in question. Huh? We weren't expecting anyone today.

"I'll get it." I stood up from the couch with a sigh, loosely wearing my slippers before heading straight to the door. It's very odd. We don't often get visitors. And if there was, they wouldn't come until next week.

Getting up on my tippy toes, I looked through the peephole. My eyes straining a bit when the only spot I see is locks of blond hair. "Who is it?" I asked to the other side. And that was the time the person lifted his head up, staring straight at the hole, innocently scratching his head. My eyes widened. "It's me, Yeonjun."
He delicately answered back. Probably knowing already who was asking.

I hurriedly opened the door, the sudden action making my hair fly a bit and him jump up from the squeaky noise. "Sorry! The door still hasn't been oiled." I wince at him. I subconsciously stepped aside, letting him in. "Oh, no no! It's fine! Ours is a little rusty too." He tried to recover but failing miserably as he slightly stumbled with his words.

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