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"Why are you there? Move closer." Just a little bit more and I swear, my eyes will permanently move out of its sockets for rolling it too much. This is what I have been doing for the past hour. Rolling my eyes at a very meticulous dance partner. "You want our performance to be perfect or not?" I groaned loudly but still ended up moving towards him, leaning my back to his broad chest.

Shoot. He felt so warm.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Saying a few mantras to pull myself together. This is a very agonising dance routine. Who the hell choreographed this?

"Better." He whispered in my ear. I feel him moving his hands on my waist, down to my hips, guiding me. It took all of my willpower to keep myself from gasping for air. Him just being a meter away sends a thousand of emotions flurrying to my stomach, what more when I can literally bathe in his scent with how close we are. I might pass out.

This time we're practicing in an open space just beside the audio control systems. The area is a little bit dim and cramped but it would do for now. The stage is currently being occupied by BTS so there wasn't really a choice. And this is the only place available for us to polish our number without getting interrupted.

I tensed when I feel a nose just slightly below my nape, sniffing the sensitive skin. It doesn't immediately register in my mind that someone has been doing that for how many seconds now. But the moment I did, I jumped on my feet, running to the opposite direction, gluing my back to the wall. It wasn't much because it was a cramped up space but a slight gap between us would be best because I might just punch someone in the face right now.

"What the hell are you doing?" I rasped out between breaths. My voice is noticeably shaking but I still made it loud and firm. I frowned at him.

Yeonjun tilted his head, his lips jutting out to a pout. He's frigging feigning innocence. This guy will be the death of me. "What do you mean?" He said with the most annoying voice ever.

I gritted my teeth. "Oh you know exactly what I mean!" I whisper shouted. The bastard just smirked at me. He puckered his lips together to suppress a laugh.

"What's going on?" I jumped when a deep voice from our side interrupted our heated glaring contest.

"Sunbae, 안녕하세요." I too hurriedly bowed my head when I see Yeonjun already lowering his.

"We were practicing a number, hyung." This is the first time I see Yeonjun standing straighter than a plank. He went beside me the moment he saw Tae oppa leaning on the wall partition of the set.

"Doesn't look like it to me. What's up?" If there is someone I know that's nosier than my brother, its him. Tae oppa and Jimin oppa stick their noses on everything that I do exactly like annoying older brothers. No wonder, they're best of friends. They are so much alike.

"Nothing. We just finished." I spat out before Yeonjun could say anything.

"Oh? Really... It's a shame I couldn't watch you practice now. The stage director won't stop fussing about how good you were at rehearsals." Huh? But Yeonjun said the exact opposite. What the hell. If Tae oppa wasn't here I would've thrown hands. I desperately bit my tongue. I flashed a tight lipped smile and nudged the person beside me with a lot more force than I should have.

"That's nice to hear! I bet the fans will love it, right Yeonjun?" I turned to him, raising my brows. I could feel the muscles on my face twitching.

What caught me off guard though was when he cracked a smile. His eyes disappearing. "100%."

"Awe! You two are so cute!" Tae oppa stepped forward and pat our backs. "Then I guess I can borrow JiJi for a few minutes? Is that alright?" I frowned a little when Tae oppa asked Yeonjun instead of me.


"Great! Let's go JiJi!" He pulled me by the arm, dragging me to a deeper, more reserved room made specially for his group.

Once we were inside, Tae oppa's smile faded. His eyes instantly dulled down and his eyebrows are now crunched together. "What did I just see?" It feels like I've been splashed all the way down with cold water. My palms are now starting to sweat and my mouth is quivering. It's so difficult to answer. What do I say?

"What's happening, Jiwon? Answer truthfully." I flinched when his words came out a little sharper. Tae oppa's voice is naturally deep but right now it felt super cold and menacing.

"I-i.... uh, we dated, oppa." I can't find it in me to lie to him. I feel my knees buckling, the energy I felt earlier now gone as I stare at another person important to me give me looks of disappointment.

"What?!" I slowly looked down at my feet when I hear his voice becoming louder. Tae oppa wasn't exactly shouting but it was close to it. His shoulders are rigid and he's breathing rapidly.

I jumped when the door busted open. Both of us looked at a very pissed off Yoongi. "Don't yell at her, Taehyung." He brushed passed him and sat on the couch. He beckoned us over to sit in front of him. I assume he heard everything.

"Hyung! What will the public say when they find out?! We can't do anything to protect JiJi when that happens!" I'm clawing at my arms now. My eyes are warming on the side and it feels like my throat is swelling. Tears are threatening to spill as I watch both my older brothers fighting.

"It won't happen. And the fans love them together. You're over reacting again, Tae. Calm down." Yoongi oppa leaned his head back on the plush pillows. His relaxed figure is the exact opposite to the person beside me. Taehyung oppa looked like he was about to explode. This is the first time I'm seeing him like this. It terrifies me. I don't want him angry at me.

"Do you even hear yourself? The kids signed a legal contract! They'll immediately get fired once the company finds out that they violated the rules!" This triggered the dam. I hiccuped violently as the tears ran continuously down my face. I tried to lower my whimpers down but my efforts seem to be ineffective because they both stopped talking and turned to me.

Their expressions softening and shoulders relaxing as they see my fragile state. "You made her cry, dumbass." Yoongi oppa said harshly to Taehyung oppa. His jaw is now clenched as he stared at me.

"Hey, Yoongi hyung you're being called on st— Jiwon? Why are yo— Are you crying?! Who made her cry?!" All of us in the room sucked in a breath when another person walked in. Of all people of course it would be my brother.

"Tae did it. I'll go now, JiJi. Just know that I support this." Yoongi oppa ruffled my hair before he stepped out of the tensed room.

"I am going to punch you, Tae. Explain."


I was originally going to upload this tomorrow but screw it.

Hello Moas! Yes, I have survived my second day in hell. (College) I'm alive and well but since school just started, expect that I'll be updating much slower. I'm sorry :( its just that I can't control my sched. And I don't want to give u guys shitty and half-assed content so please bear with me.

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