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"Sit next to me! Ignore him, JiJi! Sit here!" I unconsciously stepped back, now feeling embarrassed when Jinnie oppa excitedly pat the seat next to him. He just practically informed everyone on the plane that he wants me to sit beside him. All of the company staff are shooting looks at each other, amazement evident on their faces. It was pretty damn obvious that this was the first time all of the boys acted like this, specially with a 여동생.(yeodongsaeng/little sister)

"Definitely not! She hasn't even spent time with me yet! You kept hogging her when she visited us in our house!" Tae oppa gave Jin a dirty look before shifting his eyes on me, now smiling. "Here, JiJi! I'll let you sit near the window!" If his puppy dog eyes weren't enough, he scooted a bit on his chair, acting as if the space he gave away would win me.

Oh god. The plane hasn't even soared through the clouds yet but a growing headache was showing early symptoms on my temples.

Somehow these grown kids convinced the management to let me travel with them in advance. We will travel earlier than my hoobaes, which is why we'll arrive a day before them. I feel it in my gut that Jin oppa was the one who talked to the company. Really, no one can ever say no to him.

I even had to leave my members because of how whiny they are. Jesus, I might not survive this flight. Despite their age gap with mine, they still acted like kids high on sugar.

Before I can even step forward, a hand already grasped my elbow, pulling me to a very plush seat beside the window. I heard the other guys whining again but I still had my focus on the silent man beside me. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"You're welcome." I chuckled when he said it like he couldn't care less but knowing Yoongi oppa, he wanted me to sit beside him just as much as the others.

We will be touring America first. I think more or less three cities are on the list for the country. It will be a very long flight so I rummaged through my shoulder bag and brought out my earphones and an eye mask. Surely the guy beside me will not strike a conversation anytime soon so why not join him at what he's good at? Napping.

I spent the rest of the flight sleeping. It was my third time waking up and the skies have just grown darker and darker. Apparently its 2:00 am and we just passed American boarders. We were nearing, just about an hour or two before we land.

To say I'm buzzing with excitement is understandable. This is only my second time traveling to another country. The first was when Hoseok oppa brought us to Japan for the holidays a year ago. And this time, things are a lot more different. I finally got to debut and touring will be a part of what we'll be doing starting now, I guess.

"You awake?" I heard Yoongi oppa grumble. He's been tossing and turning in his seat for the last thirty minutes or so. "Yup."

"Let's take a selca." He swiftly pulled out his phone and angled it a bit to include me in the frame. "And this is for..?" This was really unusual since Yoongi oppa only takes pictures occasionally. I still smiled at the camera though. I didn't want to look like a lost child beside a very pretty face.

After he was satisfied with the shots, he began fumbling with his phone. "I'll post this on our twitter."

"You can't do that. The company clearly said to not post anything related to me or anyone outside of BTS." Yoongi oppa raised his brows and flashed me a lazy smirk.

"Do you think I care?" He looked away and continued editing the photos. I shook my head.

It's crazy how they can do things like this without thinking of what the higher ups will say. They know exactly that they're a huge asset to the company. Heck, they made Bighit.

"You're unbelievable." I slumped back to my seat and rested my head on the window. I didn't know that it will be physically tiring to be glued on one position for 12 hours. I can't feel my legs.

By the time we reached LA, it was already 4:00 am. The sun is yet to rise but I can already feel the difference in temperature in the place. We'll start touring in the west coast. Two day concerts for each cities.

"Make sure to always stay by my side. No going around and no talking to strangers, okay? JiJi do you understand?" After we landed, Hoseok oppa immediately went to me. He has been explaining everything that has been already oriented to me by the staff days ago. And to make it more annoying, he talked to me like I had hearing problems. He held my hands and started going on and on about the dangers of strangers. Ah crap. When will this end?

I bit my tongue and just merely nod my head. I wandered my eyes to call for help when I spot that Tae oppa was already looking at us. I shot him with pleading eyes to get me out of the arms of my overly protective brother. The last time he was like this when we had a talk about the birds and the bees. He friggin ruined my innocence at age 12 just because he heard that I had a crush in school.

"Hey. The van's ready. I got Jiwon's luggage already. Let's go." Tae oppa shot me a wink before pulling us both by the hands towards the rest of the members.

Everyone looked exhausted. They were silently drifting on and off to dreamland while still standing straight but the moment they saw us walking towards them, they broke in to warm smiles.

"It's my turn to sit with JiJi in the van!" JK oppa pulled out his earphones and stored them in his pocket. He hurriedly went near me and cradled my arm, marking his territory.

"Am I really a joke to you?" Hoseok oppa narrowed his eyes at the youngest and pulled on my other arm. "She sits with me!"

"No! Me!"

"I'm older!"

"So? You think I care?"

All of us ignored their childish bickering and left them on their spot and started walking to where the car was located. I sat with Yoongi oppa again on the back, much to the other's dismay. "This is really unfair!" I hear Jungkook oppa whine in the front.

"Life's naturally unfair, kid. Get used to it." Everyone immediately shut up when they hear Yoongi oppa's cold raspy voice.

Our ride remained silent with casual conversations and thankfully they eventually forgot what they were arguing about in just a matter of minutes.


Hello I'm back! This is just a filler chapter ik ik.

But hey! At least we here!


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