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"....You okay, Jiwon?" Ga eun placed her head on my shoulder.

Once she got into a comfortable position, she began pulling my good hand that was resting on my lap and started playing with it. She drew tiny patterns on my skin gently, humming to a tune while waiting for a reply. "Yeah." I breathed out quietly. My eyes were still locked to the scene out the window but I could see in my peripheral how both Eunbi and Ga eun exchanged concerned looks.

It has been dead quiet in the car. After three more takes on practice, we immediately left the venue. It was really hard to clear my mind after the agonising sight that greeted me but I still managed to finish the routine on the third try. I wanted to burst out crying then and there. We had an earful of scolding from the PD-nim and the shame of walking down the stage knowing that I made the situation harder than it already was for the members made me want to just shrink down into a corner and bawl.

"You have us, unnie." Ria peeked her head from the backseat and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I love you." She whispered before leaning back down again.

"We assume you also didn't know that they were coming to visit?" Eunbi unnie raised her brow at me, her voice was soft but still had an edge to it. An unnoticeable tick that gives away that she was mad at the situation. Being with her for so long had me easily spotting it. I shook my head no. "Didn't you guys see how she strutted like she owned the place?! She even stopped near the stage to get the message out that she was there!" The agreeable hums from the girls had me thinking.

I was right all along.

She was the reason why Yeonjun started avoiding me. He ran like water once he got a call from her. I was goddamn right about it all. I wasn't even hurting anymore but I most certainly know that I was angry.

Actually, no.

I'm disappointed.

He, himself proved to me that my shadows were only slapping me with the truth. I should have known better. He was mad for the longest time at me. It was impossible for his anger to vanish just like that. He needed an outlet. And sadly, I think he's pouring everything on me. I'm paying the price. Maybe all of this was just a grand scheme to get back at me. For shattering his heart and leaving him all alone that winter night.

"I think it's better if you talked it out with him, Jiwon. Know the real score because if you won't, I might just do it for you and I can't make a promise that I won't punch him in the face if we ever talked." Ga eun seethed through her teeth. Her voice was low but I could still see the irritation coming off of her in thick waves.

"You're friends with Felix sunbae right? Why was he helping her? Why is he with her?" Ria asked with a frown.

That's what I've been thinking. Felix has been calling me ever since we left. I could have just answered even his texts but a big part of me was scared. Terrified of him breaking the news that they were already dating. That I was unknowingly destroying a perfect relationship. That I was the extra in their blockbuster movie.

"Whatever. You don't need him! Plus you already have us!" Ga eun whisper-yelled in our ears. It was comical how her eyes were darting back and forth from the driver's seat to us, making sure that our manager wasn't hearing a thing. My lips slightly tugged upwards. I couldn't stay frowning for even fifteen minutes when I'm with these girls. Their efforts were really heartwarming. The strong feelings I've felt quickly washing off as I watch their determined eyes. "Aw! You guys love me that much?" I wiggled my eyebrows and exaggeratedly winked my eye to tease them. It took them a minute to absorb whatever it was that happened but I chuckled when they all groaned in unison at my sad attempt in aegyo. Their smiles didn't go unnoticed to me when they all stared longer at my face. Both relieved that I was being me again and that I managed to stop sulking.

"If I may ask you girls, how's your stay in Australia so far? Anything you've found interesting here?" The interviewer asked us in an overly cheery voice. I didn't want to judge but even the way he crossed his legs and rested his head on his hand seemed like it was rehearsed a thousand of times — that he used those actions on all of the past artists he interviewed. His ebony eyes looked dead, albeit he was only here for the pay. "It's nice here! A little hot... uh— but the fans were all nice and g-greeted us warmly in the.... uhm... airport." Eunbi unnie beamed when she successfully answered in straight English. She tried to match his over-the-top enthusiasm out of politeness, though hers was a lot more genuine if I was being honest. I found myself grinning at my hands. Eunbi unnie's smile was infectious. She was so adorable with her back straight in attentiveness and hands entwined together on her lap. She was sitting next to a very silent Ga eun so the contrast was very noticeable.

The interviewer must have found her accent funny because he started chuckling obnoxiously loud. He slapped his hands on his thigh a few times as if he just heard a very funny joke. What the hell.

This had my smile vanishing in seconds. I gripped Ria's hand on my side and blinked a few times. I can swear him out in my own language but I'm afraid the management would become furious. Eunbi unnie tilted her head to the camera, obviously ignoring him and made a quick heart pose to show her appreciation to the fans.

Thankfully he stopped laughing when he noticed that none of us were giving him a reaction. He awkwardly cleared his throat and held his cue cards tightly. "Yeah, that's what I was about to say! It's crazy how some of your fans even camped out in order to see you. They're all excited! The whole country is practically buzzing! What can we expect at the concert? Do you guys have like a special production?" I cringed when his voice went an octave higher. Ria who was sitting beside me also shifted uncomfortably on her seat.

"You'll j-just have to see it for yourselves, wishes! The stages will be... uhm...special because our Jiwon unnie will be performing with us now." Ria answered.

"Yep! My hand is healing well and uh—the doctor gave me the thumbs up!" I jokingly lifted my healing hand and attempted to lift my thumb. They must have found my antics funny because the girls began letting out tiny chuckles.

The interview fortunately ended smoothly. After changing clothes in the radio station's changing room, we headed for the road again. The sun was beginning to set and we only had two hours left before the concert commences.

"If your arm feels even just a little bit sore, just tell us, okay Jiwon?" Kibum oppa pat my back before giving us all encouraging nudges to duck under the stage lift. "Okay," I waved my hand at him and flashed a small smile. "Thank you oppa."

"Have fun, girls!"

That was the last thing I heard from him after I felt the floor moving. I blinked a few times to get the hang of the blinding lights, my hand involuntarily going to my ear to adjust my in-ear.

"Sydney! How are you?" Ga eun yelled on top of her lungs. We began walking to our starting positions on stage just when the music blasted through the speakers, my heart was in complete sync with the bass of the song we've practiced a thousand of times. The thrill was something I could never get tired off.


Hello! I am back and I'm happy to say that after next week, our semestral break will finally start. That means that I'll be updating more for the following weeks!

This chapter is unedited so I'm a little insecure about it but I still managed to squeeze some time for all of you who've waited for so long.

Oh and!!!!


Comment some songs that you think fits 20 cm! I'll be making another special chapter that solely focuses on the story's playlist!

I'll be waiting for your replies!

Soobin's Bread :>

20 cm || Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now