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"She what?!" Ga eun shrieked.

"Apparently she's gonna use the accident against me." I confessed. "Who knows? She probably told Yeonjun's mom by now."

"But that was purely an accident, unnie! Nobody wanted that to happen! Sure he got a deep gash on his leg but he only did that to get to you faster!" Ria fumed.

"They won't know our side until we actually fly back to Korea." There was a long pause. Each one of us were thinking of the cost of Yeji's actions. We decided to sleep over in Eunbi unnie's room, so now we're cramped together on their beds, wearing matching pyjamas we got during a Christmas sale.

"Shit." Eunbi subconsciously said. We all turned to her with concerned looks. "Unnie, what's the matter?" Ga eun asked her.

"That crazy girl will probably hold the time when Yeonjun got heavily criticised on stage against you too," We all let out strings of curse words when the weight of the idea finally sunk in.

Eunbi unnie was right. Fuck. Back when Yeonjun and I were still dating, he sacrificed a lot of his training time to come see me. With the award shows nearing and having multiple stages from Music Festivals, he must have mixed some of the choreography. He made a lot of mistakes on stages resulting to him getting negative feedbacks. I winced.

"What do I do?" I buried my face on the palm of my hands.

"This is basically poker for her. She's drawing her cards so damn well." Ga eun chimed beside me.

"Then we'll have to beat her," Ria gripped my hands and firmly placed it on her lap. "Royal flush style."

"Don't worry, unnie. Who can possibly reject someone as talented and lovable as you?"

"And you have us, we'll always be by your side!" I tried hiding my face again, my emotions becoming too overwhelming to even look at anyone in the face. My 'thank yous' came out muffled against the sleeves of my pyjamas but I just continued on saying it. What I wanted is to just hug them all. Squeeze them until they feel how grateful I am of having them as my friends. Ria emphasised the word 'us'. And I couldn't help but tear up a little. I surely would have lost my mind if I didn't have them by my side.

"And if it doesn't work out....

You can always date Hyuka." I almost threw my slipper.



"What's with the face?" I flinched so hard I almost lost my footing. I didn't even notice that I was staring off to space and someone was right in front of me waving his hand. Good thing a pair of hands had grabbed my waist before I got the chance to kiss the floor. "Woah, woah. I didn't know you were a scaredy cat, Jiwon." I only raised my brow at him. Though he easily towered my petite frame, I still hit him on his arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" Soobin nursed his hand to his chest. "So scaring the crap out of someone is the trend these days?" I stole the water bottle he was holding with his left hand and drank from it without asking.

"Yah, yah! Don't finish it all!!" He snatched the bottle from my hand before I could even empty it. I shrugged and walked to the nearest couch. I placed my feet on the table, massaging my calves single-handedly. Soobin unfortunately followed and sat across from me on the love seat.

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