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After a few minutes more, we finally arrived in front of Bighit entertainment. I can't believe I'm here again and not just to visit my brother but this time to become a trainee. My dad and I got out of the parked car and just stood there at the entrance to marvel at the now taller and bigger structure of the music label. The building itself changed a lot over the years.

What was once a humble establishment, became a very known home of talented artists. The used-to-be peeling paint were now changed to a matted grey. And I notice that the windows changed too! They were double-glazed and were floor-to-ceiling now. The staff noticeably doubled in number. Even from where I stood, I see them busily walking in every direction. Some were holding stacks of folders, the others were pushing to the lift a huge rack of clothes and the front desk were occupied on taking calls. Woah...

I can't help but feel excited and nervous. I wiped my cold clammy hands on my skirt. My dad and I finally gathered the courage to enter and walk straight to the lady at the front desk.

"Hi, I'm Jung Jiwon, I'm a trainee. The... uhhh management said to get the keys here for th-the dormitories..?" I told the person who was closest to me while stumbling on words a few times. I set aside the feeling of embarrassment and lifted my shiny black lanyard, showing my name and picture on the ID.

"Oh yes, yes! This is your keys and the company handbook. The rules are there, information about your training schedules and curfew, all of it complete. If you have questions, the calling card is inserted in the handbook." The lady said nicely, she flashed me a small smile and waved her hand. She also told us that the dormitories were just beside the building, much to our surprise. How come I haven't noticed it before?

Was that the place where my brother and his group stayed before they moved? Huh. Everything about this place was astonishing. Even the dorms were near the company.

"Thank you for these. Have a nice day." I said politely while bowing. But before we decided to leave, I notice that the big LED screen showed a new boy group. I was shocked that the same song that played in the car was from them. Wow. What a coincidence. There were five of them and all of them were noticeably tall. They looked like giants.

I puffed my cheeks out and left with my dad to start walking to the dormitories.

After a few steps on the streets we have arrived in a huge cream-coloured 4 storey building. "Glad to see that it doesn't look shabby." My dad spoke to himself. I couldn't help but chuckle and roll my eyes at him. "Dad, you find everything shabby except for our house." I deadpanned.

"The only place where I know my daughter is safe is in the comforts of my home! And don't roll your eyes at me, JiJi. I saw that!" The old man whined out. I only pat his back and gave him an eyebrow raise.

My dad guided me in and helped me carry my stuff. I've read the handbook and it said that I was assigned in room 54. It was on the 2nd floor.

Wow, clearly after the success of BTS, Bighit became loaded and had built dormitories for trainees and idols. We walked to the elevator and waited. After the familiar ding, the doors opened and showed five overly handsome boys.

I immediately bowed my head. Recognising them as the newly debuted boy group. That could only mean that they're my sunbaenim. They bowed as well and muttered short hellos. I looked at each one of them and the one in the middle shocked me because he was already staring so intensely. He had blue hair and was sporting a poker face. My dad pulled me aside to give way to them. I didn't even noticed that I blanked out.

They went straight to the entrance while I was still looking at them, gaping even. Damn, God really did have favourites.

3 seconds.

I counted how long we made eye contact. It made me blush just thinking about it.

Word Count : 727

Too short :///

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