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"Jiwon-ah~ time to wake up!" Someone sing-songed while tapping my cheeks softly. I grunted and squinted my eyes. I somehow forgot to close the curtains and now sunlight was directly blinding my eyes. I blinked a few times and sluggishly got up in a sitting position.

"What time is it?" I asked, still half asleep.

"Exactly 6 in the morning." Ga eun was smiling at me fondly. I would have returned it if I didn't see her wearing already leggings and a crop top hoodie. Ugh. My roommate was clearly a morning person. She freakin' looked ready to head out and her occasional twitch while standing at the foot of my bed says that she was more than excited for today.

"Okay, just give me 10." I mumbled, still disgruntled because of how early it was. I took all my necessities and headed straight to the bathroom.

After changing into a white hoodie and dolphin shorts, I went to the kitchen to find Ga eun already finished preparing breakfast. There was toast, eggs and peeled apples neatly plated on the table. Wow. I guess our diet officially starts now.

"Ga eun-ah, thanks for the food." I said while munching on the perfectly toasted bread.
I moaned when small pieces of its crust hit my tongue. If this is how we'll diet, I probably won't mind.


I know I'm speaking too soon and I'll probably regret this later on. But bread was something I would never get tired of. It was my favourite carb.

After eating for another 5 minutes we finally headed out and went straight to the company building. Ga eun explained that we were required to do stretches and sets of exercises in the morning for at least an hour in the training room. According to her, it was to improve and maintain our flexibility and figure. Good thing, my body was used to the intensity of workouts because I would often go to the gym to accompany Hoseok oppa in the past.

After following Ga eun in several twists and turns, we finally arrived in our practice room. Two girls were already there, stationed in front of the mirror doing stretches. They both turned and smiled when they hear the doors opening and closing. They paused and briefly bowed their heads to greet us.

"Hello! Ria and Eunbi! Good morning!" Ga eun bounced and waved her hands energentically. As if on cue, I slid from behind and bowed shyly at them. Ga eun placed both her hands on my shoulder and pushed me in front.

"This is Jiwon. Our last member! Isn't she pretty?" Ga eun beamed.

"Hello there, Jiwon! I'm Eunbi!" The brunette said, smiling.

"Hello there, Jiwon! I'm Eunbi!" The brunette said, smiling

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"My name's Ria! Omo, you're so pretty." The girl with short hair standing beside Eunbi gushed while puffing her cheeks. "And tall. And and so perfect!" She continued.

I felt my face burn at the series of compliments

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I felt my face burn at the series of compliments. They were acting like I was the prettiest in the room when I could say the same to them! Eunbi though her eyes were calculating, it still shined with glee when she saw us. Her face was small and her honey coloured skin had a beautiful glow to it. And Ria, she looked like snow white! Her skin was pale, contrasting how red her lips were and she had the prettiest beauty mark under her left eye. I instantly felt warm around them. They were all so humble and kind hearted. I can actually go on with the compliments. They were so pretty that I just can't stop gushing at them in my mind.

"Okay! Now that we're complete, let's continue!" Ria announced while picking a song to hype us up.

We hadn't noticed that a few hours had passed and it was already lunch time. Eunbi lead us to the cafeteria. And let me tell you. It was huge. Employees were already eating in their respective tables. Luckily, Ga eun found us seats near the glass window.

"Ria, help me get us our lunches. You two, just stay here." Eunbi instructed us coolly. We were only trainees but Eunbi was already showing us her authority. I wouldn't be shocked if she was picked for the leader position.

I jumped from my seat when Ga eun whisper-screamed in my ear while pressing hard on my hand. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Why? What happened?" I turned to her.

"TXT is here!" Ga eun was blushing like crazy while pointing at a familiar group of guys coming near for the empty table beside us. "Oh my god."

"What? Oh, so they're named TXT? Does it stand for something?" I asked Ga eun, trying to avoid looking at their direction to be more discrete.

"Girl, really? You don't know them?!" She said while shaking her head, pretending to be disappointed. "TXT stands for tomorrow by together. They came after BTS and after their debut they instantly became a hit!" Ga eun squealed while shaking my shoulders.

"Oh." That was the only thing I could say. Basing from what Ga eun said, they were already big for a rookie group. That could only mean....


I embarrassed myself in front of a very big sunbae group.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Eunbi asked out of nowhere, making us both jump in surprise. We squeaked making the other table look at us. I turned to them and the blue haired guy was already looking amused with a small smile on his lips.

Goddammit Jiwon....

"Nothing." We both said while hiding our faces.

Word Count: 933

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