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"Unnie... I-I must be dreaming." I muttered, still dazed as I stared at the posted pieces of paper on the announcement board. My mouth was wide open as I ogled at my name like it would disappear if I took my eyes away from it. All of us were holding each other's hands when we rushed down from the practice room to the first floor when our manager informed us that the evaluations were posted.

"Congratulations, Jiwonie!" Ria all of a sudden jumped on my back making me turn my gaze away from the rankings.

I ranked first in all of them.

Well, except for rap but I still miraculously managed to rank third in that category. I couldn't believe it. A small part of me immediately had doubts that the results were rigged. What if the company already knew that I was related to Hoseok oppa? But it was so impossible. Only the girls knew about my secret. I probably looked constipated as I muttered a small thank you to Ria.

"Hey, hey .... What's with the face?" Eunbi's smile vanished as she saw my distressed state. "Oh my god. Jiwon, you are underestimating yourself too much." She held my hand as she pulled me to the couches near the receiving area, the girls following behind. "Out of all of us, you deserve that spot, Jiwon. You've been practicing twice as much as we do." Eunbi sternly said.

Hot tears filled my eyes as I've heard her words. I tried to blink them back but some had already escaped and dropped to my chin. My lips quivered as I held back a sob. All my life, no one really complimented me. All of the things I did was always compared to the achievements of my brother. Nobody appreciated any of my efforts. All of them saw it as a competition. But I didn't want any of it. All I ever wanted was for someone to say that I did a great job. I buried my face in my hands. Goddammit. I was crying in public.

"Unnie, I don't say this much often but to be completely honest, you are one of my inspirations to strive harder. You always pour your heart out in every performance. It's like being an idol was made for you. I want to be like you." Ria said with a small voice. She was playing with her fingers as she looked down at her feet.

This made me cry even harder.

I was so lucky to have them. I don't know what I did in my past life to meet such pure angels. I must have saved the country.

"C'mon. Let's head back to the room before we get weird looks." Ga eun patted my back and gave me her handkerchief.

Our practices continued with me sporting puffy eyes and a red nose. I even had to lie to our trainers that I had an allergy attack.


It was 3:15 pm in the afternoon and we just finished our class in Japanese. We were given a quick break before we start another session but this time in English. I packed my small notebook back in my duffle bag and got up.

All of us agreed to pass time in the company's café. We grabbed a seat near the counter, it being the only one left because this was the usual time the office department had coffee breaks.

"Girls, remember the time I was called out early by Kibum oppa?" Eunbi unnie leaned in so that we could all hear what she was about to say. We hummed in response. "After our visit in Inkigayo this Friday, we will already be having our predebut photoshoot!" I coughed loudly, choking on my drink.

"What?!" Ga eun whisper yelled at her.

"In the afternoon, we'll be shooting predebut photos." Eunbi bit her lip to suppress a wide grin. She too was excited by the news. "Don't tell Kibum oppa that I said this! He was so excited to break the news to us first. Just act surprised when he tells us the news." She added. Pfft. Poor manager.

"We need to buy more face masks!" I blurted out, my eyes bulging as I realized that we ran out of those three days ago. "You're right! Damn, I shouldn't have finished 2 seasons of kdrama now I have dark circles under my eye." Ria let out a sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair. We all burst out laughing at the maknae's cuteness.


"Ga eun! It got to my mouth!" I whined. The younger one only rolled her eyes. She was holding a brush and a bowl in the other. All four of us were in our dorm room. "Quit whining, unnie and just brush it off."

"I just finished cutting the cucumbers!" Ria popped out of the kitchen. She looked extremely cute as she wore matching pink pyjamas and a bow on her head. "Quick! Hand them to me. The mask is drying off." Eunbi spoke, extending her arm.

"I swear, if a pimple pops up tomorrow or the next day, I am disowning myself." Ga eun said as she continued to apply the cool gel on my face. I let out a bark of laughter. Sometimes I question the things that come out of Ga eun's mouth. "Okay, I'll pray for you before I go to sleep then." I joked.

"You're lucky because you have nice skin!" Ga eun started ranting about how she puts much effort on taking care of her skin while I only washed my face with water in the morning. "the gods has favourites I tell you!"



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