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"I'll be back by 7:30 pm tops." I spoke loudly turning to the door. Crouching slightly to put on my black platform shoes.

"How do I look?" I turned around and faced Ga eun who was leaning on the wall eating a sandwich. I chose to dress warmly today because of the cold weather. By the time December hits, I bet it will start snowing. She put her index finger under her chin, trailing her eyes to my outfit. I wore an oversized white knitted top and black skinny jeans.

"Hold on." Before I could even say anything, Ga eun had already disappeared to her room. She then returned holding a grey plaid beret hat and placed it on top of my head. "Perfect." She muttered and again did a once over.

"I should go now. Start dinner without me."

"Uh hm, take care and don't do anything stupid." Ga eun turned around and waved her hand dismissively.

Walking to the dormitory's entrance, a car was already parked up front. A smiling Yeonjun greeted me as I walk towards him. He lifted up his hands and engulfed me in a warm hug.

"I missed you." His voice muffled as his face dug deeply in the crook of my neck, sniffing and trailing his nose in the process.

"Hello to you too, Junie." I said teasing him, standing on my tippy toes to ruffle his hair. "I missed you more."

His hair was surprisingly still soft and smooth despite the countless of times it was coloured. Looking him up and down, I've noticed that we unexpectedly matched outfits. He was wearing a white denim jacket underneath a black turtleneck shirt and dark ripped jeans.

He looked so hot.

After finally settling in the car, silence engulfed us as the excitement of seeing each other died down. We instantly became awkward. Yeonjun was unconsciously tapping his fingers on his thighs as his other hand was holding the stirring wheel. He looked constipated with how he furrowed his brows and poked his tongue out on the side of his cheek. He gulped a few times before breaking the ice. His eyes still trained in front.

"I borrowed the car from my manager." He said shyly. His cheeks and ears flushing. "Have you gone out for a road trip before with your members?" I asked. Practically carrying our conversation before it dies out again. He shook his head. "We didn't have time for that. We were busy practicing." He said carefully. I sighed.

I swear he's a lot more talkative and playful through text but a small bean in person. I guess he still couldn't voice out his thoughts freely compared to the ones he sends through the small screen. I frowned because of this. Our only interaction was through calls and texts. We seldom see each other. So in order for Yeonjun to be comfortable with me, I have to put extra effort in making him come out of his shell.

The soft tune of a song ended and a familiar one played on the radio.

"It's your song." I said turning to him, beaming. Our summer was now playing. It's one of their B side tracks and also my favourite. "I still can't believe people are listening to our songs." He humbly said, unconsciously breaking into a smile. Glad that their hardwork was paying off.

I find it funny though. The station was playing a summer song in the nearing end of autumn. Luckily, the weather today is perfect. It wasn't too bright and not too cloudy. Just the perfect mix.

Looking out the window whilst still smiling, I felt Yeonjun's hand slowly creeping in to mine. Interlocking his fingers with my small ones. His hand is very warm against mine. His thumb began drawing circles on the back of my hand. To be honest, I still didn't know where we were going. I asked Yeonjun countless of times but the boy just wouldn't budge. We seem to be heading to the Southern part of the city. I'm still not familiar with this area so I have no clue where my boyfriend's taking me.

After 20 more minutes, we've finally stopped and parked in front of a retro-looking building. It was tall and had red bricks for walls. Yeonjun reached for the glove compartment and got his glasses. He wore them together with a bucket hat to hide his bright and colourful hair.

"Should I also wear glasses?" I said. Already reaching for the extra pair and wearing them. "How do I look?" I turned to him smiling. He slightly chuckled and held both of my cheeks with his hands.

"Adorable." His eyes turning into crescents. I couldn't help but reach for my phone to take a picture of us. I just have to capture this moment.

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