Chapter 9

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Edit: February 2nd, 2017.

I turn around, and whaddaya know?

I see a bunch of walkers coming our way.

"Well, I'm screwed." I say, another tear escaping on my stained cheeks. "I am really, really, screwed."

"No you're not!" Jada insists, "Not unless we get going. Like now."

"Have you noticed something? My ankle? I can't walk." I state. "I can't go far. At all."

"Ugh. Why do you always have the wrong timing?!" Theo hisses, and I scowl at him.

"I'm sorry I'm the only one taking risks here!" I retaliate. Unbelievable.

"Just shut up!" Parker hisses quietly, "both of you! Now, they are still about a couple kilometres away, so if we improvise and find something to support Alex's ankle, we'll all make it out of here." Well, look at that. He's right.

"What does this place have?" Theo snaps, "it's not like crutches fall from the sky."

"That's it!" Jada exclaims, "We'll make her crutches!"

"We'll what?!" Theo roars, "They'll be here really soon! We need to leave now!"

"Bamboo," I say blankly. "I seen some bamboo on my way in here."

"I'll be back. You two keep an eye on them and her. I'll grab some supplies." Jada says, and wanders off. Thankfully, Jada is a crafts expert, and she is really good at building things, even if it's just toothpick castles or a house of cards. She's talented, and this is coming in handy for me.

A few minutes later she comes back with what looked like wavy sticks, some bamboo, and I think there was a flat straight twig that was suppose to be for the arm support. She starts twisting and turning, and a minutes later, makes a crutch. A few more minutes later, she makes the other one.

"What about her ankle? We need to support it." Parker asks.

"We have no casts. No fiberglass. No paper mache. Oh well. Guess she'll have to deal with it." Theo says with a smirk.

"Why do you have to be so rude? Like what the heck is wrong with you? Do you hear yourself right now? You're putting pressure on her, and she's the one with the hurt ankle. If you're going to keep treating her like garbage and shit, you might as well grab your shit and get the fuck out of here." Jada snarls. She swore! My baby swore! Someone give this girl a medal!

"J-Jada, it's okay. I can handle it. And he is right, I will be fine without anything." I reassure her. Jada looks at Parker. I won't be fine with nothing. That snap definitely wasn't a twig, and that pain I had when I ripped free wasn't just from it being swollen. Something happened, and I'm terrified to see if it's the worst. If it is, I am definitely screwed now. There's no way I can survive an apocalypse with any injuries. Especially a leg injury. Walkers may be slow, but with me hobbling around and slowing everyone down, they're like Usain Bolt. I can't beat that.

"What do you think?" She asks Parker. "Should we support her ankle or let her just wobble around with it?"

"Why is it up to me?" He asks, trying not to get involved.

"Just. Answer. Parker."

"Yo, just let her choose."

"Parker!" She snaps. "Choose."

"I don't fucking care Jada!" He finally snaps back, "it's her ankle!"

"You're her best friend!" Jada argues.

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