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Annalisa sat in a sitting room, surrounded by her ladies in waiting, who chartered on about their business and daily gossip.

To her right, Lady Eleanor and Lady Katherine sat near, working on their embroidery work they had started upon their arrival.

"Have you heard about the recent engagement of the Duke and my dear cousin?" Lady Eleanor asked, smiling up at Annalisa.

Annalisa nodded, "I have. I never realized that Lord Drake was the one to settle down."

Lady Katherine laughed, "Oh, nor I! I must admit, though, he had to work pretty hard to convince me that he was good enough for me to marry."

"I would think being a Duchess would be reason enough for her but no, she had to be in love before agreeing to marriage." Lady Eleanor clarified, glaring at her cousin.

"A loveless marriage is no reason to live for. What is life without love?" Lady Katherine questioned, placing her work down in her lap.

"She has got a point, Eleanor. Without love, being a Queen would be the worse thing that my husband had done to me." Annalisa said, smiling softly.

"Well then," Lady Eleanor huffed, "I guess my opinions are old fashioned."

Before anyone could reply, a maid rushed in to give Annalisa a letter before disappearing with a curt curtsy.

"Speaking of love." Lady Katherine teased, grinning at Lady Eleanor.

"Oh hush, child. What do you know?" Lady Eleanor chastised.

Annalisa did not hear what the two ladies were saying, but all she could see and hear were the words her brother had written.

She stood and smoothed her skirts, trying not to look frazzled, "Excuse me, ladies, but I have been summonses by my husband."

All the ladies in the room gushed over her words as Annalisa quickly left in search of her husband.

She rushed down the long hall towards the study and pushed her way passed the guards, "If you do not let me through, I will have my husband hang you up by your thumbs for the whole town to see."

The guards quickly moved aside for her to pass through and let her shove the doors aside.

He husband, nonetheless, looked up at her surprised. He smiled at her and motioned for her to come inside, not that it matter for by the time he had motioned for her to come in, she had closed the doors and started pacing the floor.


"He's coming."

Edward watched Annalisa pace the bedroom, breathing ruggedly, "He's coming, I just know he is."

"Anna-" He started to say but was cut off by her rambling.

"Edward, he's coming after our son! We can't let him take our son!" She started to cry, gripping her arms tightly.

Anger started to boil in his blood. "Annalisa, darling, who's coming?"

"Him, Peter the man I was sworn to marry- he's coming after our baby and you need to do something about it before he hurt anyone."

"It's not a problem. I would know..." Edward got cut off by her rambling again.

She kept going, on and on, about the man she was sworn to marry and a letter. Something about a promise, along side of that.

"Annalisa, that's enough. No one has invaded our country and no one is coming after our son as long as I am alive." Edward said, as he picked up his son and cradled him to his chest.

"You're not listening to me! If he comes he will destroy everything in his path, including our life!" She argued, stomping her foot on the floor.

"I said enough, Annalisa!" He said, raising his voice.

He looked up at Annalisa and watched her as her shoulders slumped and tears came to her eyes.

"I-" he faltered, laying his son back down in the cradle.

"It's fine, I understand. I- I'll just go for a walk now." She whispered.

He stood still and quiet as she left the room, his anger just now starting to boil off.

Sitting down on the bed, he pulled the covers up around him and laid silently, waiting for Annalisa to come back to bed.

That is until he fell asleep.


Annalisa secured the breeches around her waist, checking herself in the mirror, before grabbing her bag.

If Edward wasn't going to protect her and her son, then she would.

Her plan was to run away, by horse, traveling as far away from the Kingdom as possible. Just her and her son.

No Edward. No dresses. No servants. Just enough riches to get by.

Annalisa quietly stepped inside of their room and looked around for Edward- who had fallen asleep while waiting for her to come back, which worked out perfectly for her.

She tiptoed over to the cradle and picked up the infant, cradling him to her chest, "Say goodbye to your Daddy, darling." She whispered.

She turned gently, blinking away tears and started towards the barn for her horse.

"M'lady?" A voice called, out to her.

Annalisa's eyes closed together tightly and turned, "Hello, Bridget. Edward and I were just going for a walk."

Bridget's eyes narrowed, "I'm sure you are, M'lady. If you be a goin' for a 'walk' then you'll need some help. For one, a sling for the baby."

Bridget took the blanket in her hands a wrapped it around Annalisa, forming a sling for the baby.

"Bridget I..." Annalisa faltered, trying not to meet the young maids eyes.

"I be comin' with you, my queen. I refuse for you to go about by yourself- whether or not you return is you's choice but I am sworn to your side forever." Bridget said, straightening her shoulders and showing Annalisa a bag she had packed to go with her Queen.

Annalisa nodded, "Then so be it."

Together they walked out of the palace and towards the barn, where two horses had been pre saddled.

Sighing, Annalisa threw one last glance at the palace before walking her horse forward.

"Goodbye Edward."

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