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Edward sat her down at the nearest chair. It had been a few days since she had accepted his proposal and he had just recently let his parents know. 

He let them know right before they brought in his elected bride.

"I have something to tell you and I don't want you to be scared." He started, taking her delicate hand in his.

His little angel looked up at him with an innocent and curious look in her eyes. His heart melted as he said, "My parents are here."

Shock and excitement filled her gaze, "But I look horrid! If I had known, I would have picked my best dress."

Edward smiled and cupped her face, "You look absolutely perfect. Just be yourself."

He took her hand and led her towards the outside porch, "My mother wants to talk to you alone whilst my father tortures me. I will be back as soon as I can. I know you will do great."

Edward led her to the doorway and kissed her forehead before following his father into the study. He shot one last glance at his bride before disappearing behind the solid oak doors. 

His father was already sitting behind the desk in Edward's office chair, tapping his fingers along the rim of his whiskey glass. Edward met his father's eyes and pushed the anger farther down, "What is it now?"

"Where did you find this girl?" His father asked, cutting right to the chase.

"She is an old friend of Drake's. Edward replied as he poured himself a glass.

"She is foreign."

Edward's eyes shot up to meet his father's. He was shocked that his father would say such a thing so blatantly, as Edward's mother was also a foreign woman. "And?"

"You could use this to your advantage. As a King, it is desired to have a foreign bride. It enhances your territory as a King. Strong alliances mean a strong ruler."

Edward shook his head, "No."

He would never use a woman for a strategic leverage. A woman should be loved and treasured, not used as a pawn. His father, however, always saw women as a species to bred and use. Edward had vowed never to do such a thing.

"It is a shame you would never take advice from me, son. I would make you a great King." His father sighed.

Edward leaned forward to where he was almost touching his skin to his father, "I would never let you have a say in my rule. A true King uses his heart and mind to rule, not some old, decrepit man."

With that, Edward left his father.


Annalisa sat at the small table on the lawn of the Duke's villa, in front of her future mother in law. A maid had come out earlier with a tray of tea and biscuits but Annalisa couldn't bring herself to drink a morsel.

The Duchess was a tall, greying woman. The wrinkles were starting to set harshly on her skin, especially around the eyes and mouth. The Duchess was the kind of woman who deserved to respected but was feared in place of respect.

"Annalisa Schmitt." The Duchess tasted the words before gasping, "What a beautiful name! Oh, if I had met your mother I'm quite sure we would be best of friends. She sounded like a pure artist!"

Annalisa tried to sink lower in her chair as she continued.

"Back to the wedding of course. Oh, good gracious, I don't even know where to start my dear!" The woman tapped her fingers across the table.

"We'll need a dress of course and a cake. Oh, the guest! Who to invite? Oh, and how we shall do your hair and where to have it?" The woman continued but Annalisa decided to completely ignore.

What had she gotten herself into? What mistake had she made?

Sure, she felt like she was doing a good thing for Edward but at the same time, she was a little terrified. She didn't know Edward well enough to know what kind of man he would be. She didn't know if he would be kind to her children or not. She did not even know what a real relationship was for her parents died at an early age. She was afraid he wouldn't be able to protect her from Peter. 

She heard familiar footsteps and she burst off the chair and into Edward's arms, searching for refuge from the Duchess. Edward stumbled a bit but hugged her back.

He smelled so nice and comforting. Annalisa never wanted to Lane his arms.

"When to have the wedding?" She heard his mother ponder.

She turned in Edward's arms, twisting her neck to see the duchess smile widely.

"Oh... if it's in six months then I will-"

Annalisa barely gave the older woman room to speak before shouting out, "Three weeks."

The Duchess's mouth fell open, "I dare say! What on earth are you thinking? A quick marriage like that would make it seem desperate." The Duchess leaned forward and whispered, "You are not with child are you?"

Annalisa blushed deeply, "No, madam. I simply just want to be with Edward. The King is sick, no? It is only a matter of time before he leaves. Edward will become King and things will look better for him if he is married. I just want to help Edward be the best he can be."

Edward looked down at her with wide eyes before nodding, "She has got a point, mother."

The Duchess nodded, 'I dare say, child. You may be pretty but you are certainly not stupid. I will have the servant start on the preparations immediately. Three weeks until you will be wed. I have so much to teach you!"

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