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The seven words echoed in her mind as Edward leaned forward.

I now pronounce you man and wife.

The words themselves scared her to death but the way Edward looked as he leaned closer to her and even as he pressed his lips to hers, it was a calming feeling. Maybe she could even learn to love him. Or maybe this was just temporary.

Maybe. All the maybes running through her head would be the death of her.

She closed her eyes for a second as he pulled away and started to grab her hand. Her mother had explained to her what a normal wedding would look like- happiness and tears and love, especially love- to Annalisa and it was scary.

The people never took their eyes off of them. The priest behind them had his eyes on them too, as if their marriage wasn't for his approval.

Annalisa wondered if it would be the same in her country.

There would no going home, from now on. No more exploring her country and sheltering her secrets underneath her thin layer. No more privacy.

It was going to be all about Edward. All about performing duties of a wife. He had expectations for her that she was required to perform. She was now his wife, a brand new figure of authority. She was also now a Duchess. She had to look her best at every moment.

She looked up at Edward as they stepped into the empty hallway. He smiled down at her and took her arm, "Ever been to Germany?"

Her heart stopped, "What?"

"Our wedding tour... I thought I'd take you to a country the people called Germany..." He started, smiling nervously.

"Seriously?" She asked, trying to keep her straight face. Could she go back without risking everything she had accomplished? Would that attract Peter's attention? Or could she really go back to see her brother and her country again?

"I was told that..." He smiled and raised his hand to cup her face, "I know you love your country and I thought that maybe we could explore it together. We'll ride over tomorrow."

She smiled, "Thank you!"

"Anything for you, my dear." He promised, kissing her cheek.

Annalisa's heart pounded. Edward acted like he was intimate with her— giving her gifts and kissing her and holding her. Annalisa hadn't prepared herself for this quite yet.

"Oh, my dear lord, that was the most beautiful wedding I have ever witnessed! The way everything was said and the way Annalisa grabbed the flowers...." Edward's mom dabbed at her eyes.

Annalisa tried to hold back her dread, knowing that his mother was back. She talked too much for Annalisa.

"Could..." Edward started but his mother continued.

"Oh, I wish you could have seen it! If only I had another child! Your dress was just..." She continued until Edward caught his mother's arm.

Maybe she finally shut up and go away. Annalisa knew it was terrible to say such a thing, but Annalisa just wanted it to be her and Edward. Maybe Edward could convince her to leave them alone. Or maybe he would escort her away himself and let her have a moment of peace.

"You could get started on that other child if you would just go find father." He declared, pointing towards the chapel.

She looked around with a confused expression on her face, "Where is your father anyway? Excuse me dears..."

Edward laughed as his mother wandered off, "That woman... Just a couple more hours and we will be free of her. First, "He said, " we have to greet all these people."

She let her smile fade as he took her arm and lead her towards the eager people.


That night, Annalisa stood in front of the mirror, eyeing the dress she had worn.

The cream dress went down to the floor and trailed behind her. It clung to her body all the way to her hips before spreading out into a full skirt. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant bun and tied with a beautiful blue ribbon. She also had a diamond necklace on her neck, showing off her husband's wealth.

She was a perfect image of her mother on her wedding day.

If only she was here to see Annalisa.

"If you keep staring at the mirror, you may break it, my dear." Edward said, coming up behind her and planting kisses along her shoulder.

She tensed, not particularly wanting him to touch her. She knew what her duty was on her wedding night. She was scared to venture into that territory.
"I... It just reminds me of someone I knew on her wedding day." She turned away reluctantly, not wanting to tell him exactly who she was thinking about.

She smiled a faux smile at him in order to give him reassurance. Her eyes wondered over his features briefly. His dark hair was tussled while his shirt was untucked. Very unkempt. His eyes were a soft blue color while his face remained hard.

He grabbed her by the waist and started to lead her in a dance.

Annalisa's heart was pounding at an even quicker pace then this morning.

"Someday I'll lead you across the sea to an island just for we...Though behind a doubt my heart will lead me there soon..." He sang gently into her ear.

She laughed quietly, "You sing?" She thought his voice was beautiful already without him singing.

He twirled her around, "Only for you, Annalisa." He kissed her ear. "My mother always wanted me to sing in the choir at the church. I couldn't bring myself to join them, though."

She felt his stubble brush against her cheek, "But you cannot tell anyone, though."

"So charming." She said, rolling her eyes, before pulling away, "Can you undo the corset?"

He walked up behind her and started to unlace her back, "Tired already? I guess the wedding is really a long event." He murmured.

She let the dress fall to the ground, leaving a slip. Her heart stopped as she watched the cream dress fall off.

Her safety blanket was gone.

"I guess I am tired." She crawled over to the large four post bed, eager to get away from him and slipped under the covers. She could already feel the dread eating at her.

"Well, I am too, so don't feel so bad." He slipped into bed a few minutes later and pulled her back into his bare chest.

Annalisa could feel the dread filling up in her chest as his hand caressed her skin. Any moment now, he could request something that Annalisa did not want to do.

"You know I love you right?" He muttered, his voice full of sleep.

"Yes." She replied closing her eyes. It was all a rouse. Something to convince her she made the right decision and to get her into bed with him.

"Good. I will love you forever and always. To the moon and back. More than any amount of money or power in the world." He whispered.

She didn't reply. She laid still and listened as his breathing evened out.

He was asleep.

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