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He was in a mad fever for days.

His whimpering and cries drove Annalisa nearly crazy. He pleaded with her to end his misery. He cried and she cried. And Annalisa actually thought about it sometimes- anything to end his pain crossed her mind.

And then, it stopped.

She was sleeping, accidentally, when all of a sudden it was silent. So silent that her heart completely stopped.

She looked up from her husband's bedside at his face, just to make sure he hadn't left her yet.

His soft face looked down at hers, and a small smile appeared. His hand reached out to cup her face, "Annalisa."

She gasped, "Edward, I'm right here, darling." She kissed his hand and continued to grasp it.

"I see Drake kept his promise." Edward laughed, slightly coughing.

She laughed with him and nodded, "He scared me when he did but it is okay because you are here now."

He smiled weakly, "I just wanted to see your beautiful face again and hear your voice. I wasn't sure I would get that chance."

Annalisa choked on a sob, "Yes, I am glad you got that chance."

Edward grasped her hand back and brought her closer, "I need to tell you something."

Annalisa nodded vigorously, "Anything love."

"You and I, our love, is never-ending. It is burned in the stars forever and now is carried on through our son. No matter what happens though-" He started but Annalisa cut him off.

"You are not talking as if you will die soon." She ordered, frowning down at him.

"Just listen. If I do not make it, know that I love you. I will always love you but I want you to find someone you can love after I am gone. You will become the heir to the throne and be the great Queen you are destined to be." He coughed again and closed his eyes for a second.

"Take me with you. If you are to die then so shall I." Annalisa argued, her eyes meeting his desperately.

He let go of her hand and smiled, bringing his hand to caress her face, "I cannot do that, love. You have a duty to both our country and your son."

"What about my duty to you?" She asked sniffing.

"It has been fulfilled." He kissed her hand again. His hands were starting to shake from all the things he was doing and it was scaring Annalisa.

She didn't want to lose him.

"You were my one true love, the only woman in my life that could keep me tied down. And... Every moment I had with you was... extraordinary. You will always be in my heart no matter what comes between us." Edward leaned against the pillows again and continued to squeeze her hand.

A small tear traced down her cheek, "You will always be my heart to. But you are getting through this. I know you will."

The desperation was starting to well in her chest. She was not going to let this man, the man she had sacrificed so much for, just die. It was to easy.

Edward coughed again, "I love you, Annalisa. Forever and always, to the end of the world and back."

Annalisa sniffed, leaned to kiss him fully on the lips and placed her head on his chest, "I love you more, Edward."

He grabbed her hand and squeezed once more, before closing his eyes. She stroked her thumb over his chest in a comforting movement, "I will always be with you," He mumbled.

Silence came between them for a while and Annalisa finally became contempt with the world. Edward was going to be fine, she knew it.

There was no way that he could die now.

But then the unexpected happened- her heart stopped. She could feel Death's cool presence in the room.

"Edward?" She softly mewed, feeling his hand slack in hers.

She leaned forward and shook him, "Please, darling, please wake up." She felt the tears well in her eyes, "Edward?"

She placed a hand on his cheek and leaned forward to place a kiss on his lips but when they touched, he was cold.

She froze in fear, analyzing his face once more and seeing that her worst thoughts were true.

Her husband was dead.

The panic surged in her chest, making her breath come out in short, harsh pants. She grabbed his face with both of her hands and screamed. She cried and screamed as she held his body close to hers.

She didn't know why she screamed- maybe it was a way of grieving or maybe it was anger, anger at a God who had no mercy for a good man.

She screamed until a guard came barreling through the door and grabbed her by the waist. She kicked and thrashed, knowing his full intention was to get her away from Edward. Her Edward.

"Let me go!" She screeched, grasping at the air, "Edward! Edward! Please, I need him! He needs me!"

The guard kept her locked in his arms as she sank to her knees, the white dress pooling around her as she cried.

A couple of maids came in and went over to his side, starting to prepare him for removal but Annalisa snapped, "Get away from him! Get away you filthy rats!"

In fear, a maid looked at the guard for confirmation and he gave it to the poor girl.

Her whole body shook as she watched the maids pull the cover over him, clarifying that it true.

King Edward was dead.

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