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Edward slammed his fist down onto the table as he read the letter the late king had left him.

Why did it have to be him? Out of all the heirs in the English kingdom, the king had picked him. He had known for a while that he was a possible heir but he didn't know he was the official heir.

He already had enough scandal on his hands, with being married to a foreign princess. Now being declared king by the late king, who skipped over other heirs- that was too much to handle for the normal citizen.

The most he wanted was to have a simple, comfortable life and now his plans were ruined.

All because if one silly royal hunting trip that gave the former king the chills, killing him.


He rubbed his temples and stood to look out the window. Midnight had fallen on the city mere hours ago, but that didn't stop Edward from staying up. He had so much to do in so little time.

He had to revise treaties, write speeches, amend laws, deal with trade issues and the best of all, care for his bride.

Annalisa had grown worried and almost fearful of what may occur for them next- and that was with him just as a Duke.

When he had announced to her that he had been decreed the first heir to the royal throne, her face dropped from the usual beautiful 'everything will be ok' to 'I thought you said I would be your first choice over your work. How are we to survive?'.

A small knock occurred at his door, causing his head to snap up, "Come in."

The door creaked open. revealing a tired looking version of his wife, dressed in a silky green gown.

"Annalisa, love, you should have laid to rest a while ago." He cooed, kissing the top of her forehead.

She smiled weakly, "I cannot possibly go to bed when my poor husband is up working all night."

He studied her, "I have to much work to do that could easily replace my time as sleeping. It is a more efficient way of accomplishing the work. This way, I can spend more time during the day with you."

Annalisa creased her brow, "Liebling, please come to bed. I cannot bear seeing you so tired. If I could possibly be of assistance, I would."

He smiled at her attempt to help him. To be honest, he had grown quite wearily and weak minded as the hours flew by, but he couldn't stop now.

"Edward, please, you are starting to get dark circles. I cannot afford to let you get old on me now."

He laughed at her, "My dear Annalisa, I assure you that I won't be getting old anytime soon. Nevertheless, you have convinced me that I can no longer think straight and need assistance getting back to my chambers."

She smiled kindly and caressed his face, "Liebling, I am sure you know the way back."

With that said, she turned and walked back down to their chambers without a word, leaving Edward to stare off after her.


Annalisa trailed down the long, cold hall, ignoring the servants who bowed with respect. Four girls flanked her side, dressed in white.

Edward had called them her ladies in waiting. They had refused to leave her side since she woke her up this morning.

The majestic doors stood before her, waiting for her to walk through them.

This was it, she was to be Queen in less than an hour of time.

She stopped right before the doors of the cathedral, taking a deep breath and nodding at the man next to the door.

"Are you ready, your majesty?" One of the guards asked, his hand hovering over the handle, awaiting her order.

She gave the guard a small smile. She nodded to the woman accompanying her to the place where she would stand at her husband's side again. Each of the six women picked up the edges of the robe as they made their way down the cathedral aisle. 

As the doors opened, her heart slowed down. Hundreds had been expected to come, but nothing could have prepared her for this. This was nothing like her wedding.

She walked slowly down the long aisle, between the rows of people who had come to watch the coronation. Her red and white dress trimmed with gold trailed behind her as she made her way towards the altar, where Edward stood, hard and cold.

He was nervous... and angry. Annalisa didn't quite understand why her husband did want to be king. It was an upgrade from being a Duke, wasn't it?

The conversation from earlier loomed in her mind still.

He was so worried about whether he could uphold the kingdom or not that he spent most of his nights up in his office.

She spent her nights shivering in the bed wondering if he would be alright.

She loved him. She loved him so dearly that she could hardly believe that this was a marriage fixed within days of meeting. But she did not marry him to become Queen. She did not marry him to become a duchess, either. But it seemed that she was destined to become one anyway.

She stepped up onto the step and straightened her posture. The coronation had begun.

Edward took his vows, his tone hard and cold.

The official then turned to her, signaling her turn for her vows. She felt like she was at her own wedding again, promising to do her best to uphold the kingdom, to make the right choices, to always be the Queen.

But she wasn't sure if she was making the right choice.

They lowered to their knees, bowing to priest above them.

The small tiara was placed on her head after the placed the crown on Edward.

Edward's hand grabbed hers as they turned around and squeezed her hard.

"I now pronounce King Edward and Queen Annalisa." The announcer called out.

"Long live the King. Long live the Queen"

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