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"Wait... back up. What did you say?" Edward said, releasing her hands.

Annalisa looked down at her hands and sniffed, "When I was coming to Drake's, I was running away from my home."

"And that's a problem why? You are completely English now. No one can come after you."Edward promised, smiling.

Annalisa wanted to cry, he didn't understand what she was trying to explain. She was trying to warn him about Peter. She was terrified of what would happen if Peter and his army found her whereabouts.

"No, you do not understand. I was engaged to a man that was supposed to take over the kingdom." She said, rubbing her face.

"And... I feel like there should be more to this story." He continued as his face contorted with confusion.

"Edward," She gasped, "He was such a controlling man. My brother said that he would be suitable and I do as he had said... Even if the man hit me, in which he did," Annalisa sighed, "Edward, the man was so persistent on keeping me that he threatened to kill off the whole kingdom of which I had run away to."

Edward stood and pulled her up with him, "Anna, I would never let that happen. No one can hurt you here. I cannot believe you never told anyone of what was happening to you."

"No, no, someone else did know. Drake knew of what was happening and he offered to protect me. That's not all..." She started, nervously looking up at him.

He laughed nervously, "Today is just a day of telling secrets isn't it, love?"

She raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Since you told me about this man, maybe I should tell you about Elizabeth."

It felt like the last straw to Annalisa, hearing him say another woman's name. And she thought she was the first woman to be loved by him. She felt the tears well up in her eyes as he started his story.

"I was about fifteen when we met. Our parents had been great friends in the past and decided that... why not marry them off together." He looked her in the eyes, "I loved her, Anna. I really loved the girl or at least I thought. She had dark curls and charming brown eyes and soft skin." He sighed and Annalisa felt her heartache.

That sounded too much like her physical description.

"We spent days together, riding horses, playing cricket, taking walks. By the end of the summer, I had prepared myself to spend the rest of my life with her."

Annalisa looked at him," What happened?"

"I guess she didn't feel the same way. She ran off with some pirate only to be found dead a year later abroad some ship. I wasn't the same after that. I claimed..." His eyes met Anna's and his hand ran over her small chin, "I claimed that every girl that had any resemblance to Elizabeth was my true soulmate. None of them worked out- except you."

"You love me because of Elizabeth?" She asked, her voice full of hurt.

He laughed quietly, "At first all I saw was the Elizabeth in you. Poor Drake tried to convince me to leave you alone, but I was so persistent on having you."

"Do you still love me that way." She asked, pondering whether or not to tell him the last part of her hidden secrets.

"After we married, during the dance in the square at Germany, I started to see you differently. Your smile was fuller and much better. The light in your eyes was much more enticing. The way you shut out you're feeling to help me was such a blessing. The way you curled up in your sleep or you soft words that were so comforting. Anna, I fell in love with you."

She tore her face away from his hands, "Edward, there's a little problem."

His eyes widened, "You don't love me?"

She laughed and put her lips on his, "No, I adore you. You are my first and my last love. I'm in love with you but that love may have to be duplicated."

Edward's mouth fell open, "What? No, are you serious?"

She nodded nervously, afraid of his next actions.

But she was surprised to be thrown up into his arms and spun around.

Their lips met in an intimate kiss.

"I love you." He whispered, wrapping his arms around her, tightly.

"I love you too, Edward."

"So, let me get this straight... I'm going to be.... you're going to be..."

"A father. Edward, you are to become a father."

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