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Alright guys, prepare yourselves for the last chapter!! I tried my best (hopefully) and I would really love some comments/votes. Annalisa's mourning dress is up there.

Annalisa stood in her black dress facing the mirror as Bridget laced her up.

She felt silky fabric suffocating her, just as she wanted. If she was suffocating on the inside, why not be suffocating on the outside.

She heard Bridget sigh as she finished the tie on her dress, "Annalisa, I know that you'd be hurtin' but it does get better."

Annalisa turned stiffly and started towards the door, "Does it, Bridget? Because I feel like my heart has rotted away with him and the pain is eating me whole. I wake up and roll over in bed thinking he is right there next to me and he's not. He died in my arms, Bridget. And I couldn't save him."

She slammed the door behind her and stormed down towards the sitting room. She felt bad for snapping at her trusted maid and closest friend but Edward's death was truly eating her up. After he left her, she felt like part of her soul had left with him. Part of her felt like an Evil Queen had crushed her heart.

And truly, there was no way to describe the pain.

Edward was her first love. The man who had claimed her heart and left her in a fiery passion.

And death had stolen him away.

She took in a deep breath as she stood in the doorway of the sitting room before waltzing in. She was the Queen, after all, she wasn't going to let anyone see her pain.

"Lady Eleanor, what a pleasure!" She greeted, as she hugged her dearest, non-Bridget friend.

Lady Eleanor squeezed back lightly, but it felt like she was just being polite. Eleanor had been detached ever since the war just as Annalisa had been and it felt almost comforting to know that someone felt some of the pain she did.

Annalisa whispered gently, "How are you?"

Eleanor simply smiled, "It gets better."

Annalisa sighed and nodded but at the same time, she did not believe her. Could the pain really decrease? Could it simply evaporate into thin air? Could Edward really fade into a mere memory?

"Come along, darling." Eleanor urged, hooking her arm in Annalisa's and lead her towards the throne room.

"How have you been, Annalisa?" Eleanor asked once they entered the hall.

"Better." She lied, trying a smile out for size.

"It really does get better, Annalisa. No matter how much the pain hurts, it really stops hurting. With time, the pain goes with it. All you need to do is put the pain into something good, such as raising a child." Eleanor reprimanded, as she stopped at the throne room's door.

"How does it get better, Eleanor? The pain is horrible- I feel like I have been shattered into so many pieces. When my parents died, I was split in two, and it was tolerable. But when Edward died, I was in so many pieces that no amount of love could ever put me back together again and I feel like I am an uncontrollable fire raging over the town and- now I'm just rambling." She sobbed, pressing her nails into her palms.

Eleanor gave her a sympathetic smile, "I know, darling. He is in a better place, Annalisa. He is looking down at you with a big smile and just waiting for you to join him." She hugged Annalisa tightly, letting Annalisa calm herself down and gather what little pride she had.

Annalisa nodded and gave her best smile, "I suppose you're right. Thank you, by the way, for trying to make me better and walking me to the..." She breathed in deeply.

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