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"I dare say that if Drake continues to throw his money out as he did, that his family's fortune will be spent before he can even inherit it. Can you believe it, Edward, that such a gentleman such as Lord Drake would waste his money on such a disreputable investment?" Ross Chambers suggested as he pushed forward Edward's stack of cards.

The three other men at the gambling table turned their immediate attention to Edward, awaiting his reply.

Edward held us his cards to check his stack and flipped them down once again, leaning back in his chair, "I think that Lord Drake is rather good at keeping his money in the right places. Have you not noticed that his investments always pay off?"

The man sitting next to Edward, Lord Jacque, raised an eyebrow, "He has got a good point, Ross. Drake always has his investments in the right place."

Another man, George MacArthur, grinned, "What's it to you anyways, Ross? Suddenly in need of quick money? Are you jealous that Drake may take your territory?"

Before anyone could continue, the butler of Edward's estate rushed to Edward's side. Edward tilted his head to listen to what the man had to say.

He stood, "Gentlemen, I am afraid our game will have to happen another time. Please excuse me."

Edward Parks turned his back to the men that remained at the gambling table and marched back into his office with a great slam to the door.

His anger was on the verge of spilling over and Edward could not bear to embarrass himself once again. His father had written him countless times over the past couple of months, asking him to come to Mayfield, his father's estate, but needless to say, Edward had no need to visit his father. Every time he visited, things always took a turn for the worst.

The last time his father had come to see him, they had gotten into a yelling match. Things were said that Edward never could take back and despite the guilt of it all, he certainly didn't regret it. 

He sat down, pouring himself a glass of whiskey and mentally prepared himself for the meeting that was about to happen.

"Edward Harold Parks, you will not run away from me now! I am your father and you have no right to ignore me!" Edward heard his father yell as he pushed open the large doors to Edward's office.

After two shots, Edward didn't really want to converse with his father.

He was tempted to roll his eyes in disgust or maybe even order the guards to stop his parents but he let them barge into his office. Edward refused to look up and continued scribbling on the pile of papers before him.

"Look at me!" His father yelled, slamming his fist down on the desk, "I was once lord of this house. I deserve the respect."

Edward stood and paced towards the window, "Father, you have not been in a position of power for quite some time. Besides, I have no time to discuss such irrelevant matters with you."

"Irrelevant? These matters contain the future of the family- of mine and your family, Edward. You are a Duke, these irrelevant matters are a part of your duties to this country." His father argued.

He spun around to face the old man, "You are going insane, father. I want to choose who I want to marry when I'm ready, not on your command! I am still young and I have time to look for the one woman who will do as I need her to and keep me happy at the same time. " Edward paused briefly to finish off the whiskey, "I don't know if you remember the last time you chose my bride."

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