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Annalisa stood in the middle of the crowd and watched as the Knights ride in, defeat plastered on their face. Each and every one of them was to face the wrath of the King, again, for not finding the lost Queen.

The lost Queen being her, that is.

A year and nearly a half had passed since she, Bridget and Edward had left the palace, roaming from Kingdom to Kingdom. She had worked different jobs in each place, from a cook to a teacher to a seamstress, while Bridget watched the young prince. They lived in taverns, hoping that a tavern would be the last place anyone would look for them.

And now, she couldn't resist the urge to come back, just for a few days, to see how exactly the King had held up.

She had heard rumors- he's gotten cruel or he's grown a beard. They said he had gone mad with grief over his missing family. She had heard various variations from drinking himself to sleep at night or that he had spent all his time invested in the search for them.

She attempted to distract herself from the harsh temptation but curiosity and guilt got the best of her. She felt awful about leaving him but she had to do what was best for her child and the country. It was safer for her to stay away from the public eye.

She lifted her face, covered by a large bonnet to the little overlook that Edward stood on, watching with slight dismay as his Knights rolled in slowly.

The guilt clawed at her. She could see the dark circles under his eyes, and the clenched fist- as if he was attempting not to break down again. He had to be strong for his people, even if he didn't look it. He sported a full beard, covering his once handsome jaw and his physical shape was taking a hit.

Edward turned away from the overlook and walked inside. Annalisa turned away, also and headed towards the market place.

"Missus, you look like you could go for some fresh flowers! Only one shilling!" A deep voice called to her.

Annalisa pulled the bonnet closer to her face and shook her head, but the shop keeper grabbed her arm, "Beautiful flowers!"

Annalisa gasped when she saw the shopkeeper's face, "Drake?"

"Dear Annalisa, the lost Queen. And yet, Edward thought you dead." The young duke leaned against the wall of the small alley they had walked into, "So tell me, Annalisa, where have you and your son been hiding all this time- just between us, of course."

Annalisa hugged her shawl tighter around her shoulders, "Around to nearby kingdoms."

"Too vague for me, Queen. What are you running from anyways?" He asked her.

"Someone." She replied.

"Mhm, I know exactly where you are staying, my dear." He offered.

"It's not your business. Now, if you would excuse me, I have a son to get back to."

Annalisa turned on her heel and started back towards her small inn room that they had rented for the week.

She and Bridget had raised her son for the past year by hand, making sure he knew nothing of his father until absolutely essential.

He was such a handsome toddler- dark hair and blue eyes with beautiful ivory skin. And his smile was so enchanting- much like his father's. She was so sad every time she saw his smile, thinking about his father but she knew this was for the best.

"Mommy!" She heard him call as she stepped into the room.

The little toddler carefully wobbled across the room to her, hugging her legs. "Hello, love." She greeted, placing a kiss on his nose when she lifted him up, "Hello, Bridget."

"M'lady." The maid greeted. Annalisa sat down her basket of groceries and held her son to her chest, "Did you behave for Miss. Bridget, Edward?" She asked, smoothing his dark hair back.

The toddler gave her a smile and nodded.

Bridget snorted, "The rascal has found a new hidin' place, behind this here door. Gave me such a scare when I couldn' find 'em and then he just... Appeared!"

Annalisa smiled, "He does love a good game of hide and seek."

Annalisa sat him back on the floor and stood to start helping Bridget cut the vegetables.

"M'lady, may I ask you a question." Bridget asked, nervously after awhile, setting down her knife.

"Go ahead."

"Do you ever plan on returnin'? To your husband, I mean."

Annalisa sighed, "It's... Complicated. I love him, very much, but he didn't want to protect my son. Little Edward comes first. Even before my happiness. I'm just glad you came with me. There was so much I did not know about children that you knew! I would have been quite an awful mother, would not have I had you."

Bridget smiled gratefully, "Still, you's only have so long with a man that you'd think you'd be attached at the hip. You could be already with child by now if you hadn't left, m'lady."

Annalisa paused, pressing a hand to her flat stomach, which had recently decreased in size. Was Bridget right? Where would she be if she hadn't left? Would she still be happy? Did she really want another child? "Yes, I would be, wouldn't I?"

And after that, they spoke not another word


Edward stepped up into the small inn and looked around the room at the people. A couple of men sat in the corner, whispering softly amongst themselves. A woman leaned against the bar top with a sly smile plastered on her face.

She walked over to him and laid a hand on his arm, "Lookin' for someone, doll?"

Edward raised his brow, "Actually, yes. A young girl with a baby and a servant girl."

The bartender's smile widened, "And..."

He placed a small bag of gold on her outstretched hand.

"Upstairs, in the back room. Make sure to knock while you're at it. And you didn't hear from me."

Edward smiled gratefully and made his way upstairs.

His hand shakily reached for the rusted doorknob as he pushed it gently open, stepping into the dark room.

The faint glow of the fire gave him enough light to make his way over to the crib next to the bed. He peered over the side and stared down at the young boy, who's blue eyes stared back into his own.

"Daddy?" The little voice pondered, as his small hand reached out to touch Edward's clean-shaven jaw.

"Hello, little prince." He whispered with a smile on his face.

He lifted up the boy, who had gained much weight since he had last seen him, and carried the boy with him down the stairs and out the inn door, "Drake, you did well." He commented to his friend.

He nodded to the waiting guards, "Why don't you get her back to the palace and lock her in a room, wake the maid while you're at it."

Drake raised an eyebrow, "So your just going to kidnap your wife?"

Edward nodded and cradled his son to his chest, "It is about time I get my family back."

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