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Annalisa above

Edward found himself sitting next to Drake with a fresh glass of wine placed in his hand.

"You mean to tell me that they have refused you at the palace? Drake, I would not believe that in a heartbeat."

Drake shrugged, "They say that my experience was not... extensive enough. Personally, I think that it was more on the fact that they are jealous of my luck. I make good investments and I know how to get myself to the top."

Edward laughed. The two of them had grown up in a military school together. Drake was always an expert and military motions and investments. If Edward was held in high regards with His Majesty, was wasn't Drake?

"You trained with me, how was it not extensive? I would even get accepted into the palace. " He joked.

Drake rolled his eyes, "That is because you are the heir to his majesty's throne. You better watch out because the way I am going right now, I will eventually surpass you. But never mind that, a change of subject is at heart, my friend! I toast to war, peace and beautiful women!"

Edward raised his glass to the toast but silently made his own.

To new brides.

"You know, that new investment I recently made has paid off tremendously, and I think you would like it very much." Drake said casually as he sipped his wine.

He looked around the room, sneaking a glance at the women, but one caught his eye. He stood, causing Drake to jump up.

He couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful angel floating down the marble steps, making her way towards them.

"What's wrong? Please tell me that there isn't another brawl about to happen. I am already under the watchful eye of His Majesty, I do not need another reason for him to watch me even more. " Drake muttered as he followed Edward's gaze.

He thought he saw a smirk bounce off his friend's lips but it quickly disappeared.

"What's her name?"

The three words echoed out of Edward's mouth as he watched her gracefully step down the cold, marble steps.

She was so beautiful. So delicate. She was an angel.

"Annalisa Schmitt," Drake whispered back to him, sipping his drink, "Sister to the King of Hansburg." 

The girl in a soft blue and yellow ball gown, with her midnight dark hair, pulled into a tight bun, stepped near the two boys and curtsied low.

He watched the setting sun hit her gown just right, causing his heart to speed up. This woman was the one. She was his soulmate and he just had to have her.

"Guten abend, gentlemen. Herr Drake." Her gaze fell on Edward and she opened her mouth again, "I do not believe we have met. I am..."

"Fräulein Schmitt, what an honor." Drake said, playing his charming demeanor skillfully by kissing her small, delicate hand. He gave the young girl a wink. 

"Just Annalisa, Herr, as I have said before. And you are..." She asked, turning to him, her interesting seeming to focus on him.

For a brief moment, he stared at her sharp, gracefully features. Her olive skin glowed against her midnight black hair, her body was slim and perfected shown off in the blue dress. She had the most enchanting pair of brown eyes he had ever laid eyes upon.

Quickly, he shook his head and regained his words, "I am Edward Parks. It is quite the pleasure to meet you, Miss. Schmitt.'' He said, lowering his lips to her soft hand.

He heard her gasp just a moment after his lips left her satin skin and he looked up, "Did I offend you, Fräulein?" His heart nearly stopped at the thought of offending such a lady. He could not bear to offend her.

She pulled her hand back slightly and smiled, "Nein, Herr. I just... You are the Duke's son, no?"

He smiled back, "I guess you could say that... My father has not been able to hold the position for quite some time."

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you two. I am glad I could finally meet the Duke that Drake always writes about." She said before gliding off.

"Guten abend, Fräulein!" Drake shouted after her, causing people to turn and stare at him. He was crazy after all. That's why people knew his family's name.

Drake turned back to him, while he simply watched Annalisa go off. He patted Edward on the back, "Smooth, my friend. You scared her off!"

"What?" Edward questioned, easing an eyebrow. His eyes still followed his beautiful future bride.

"Edward, don't tell me you fell in love." Drake groaned.

Edward shrugged, "She's a keeper."

"That's what you said about the last one, Ed. Watch out, she's too precious to break, unlike the other girls. Her brother made me swear to take care of her and I'd rather not have to throw you off her." Drake warned before stalking off.

Edward shook his head at his friend and walked off after him, "Tell me again how you know the Fräulein?"

"I may or may not have come across her years ago- don't worry, she's not my type. Edward, do note that she is something that is not gained without trial. Her family background is— let's just say complicated."

Edward muttered some incoherent words under his breath and downed his whiskey, "I think I'll ask her to meet me tomorrow." He mused.

Drake choked on his wine, "Don't you think that you are being too rash? The girl has just introduced to you a mere five minutes ago."

Edward tried to look offended, "Me rash? Drake, after our long friendship, I assumed you know better. Where is she staying?"

"My estate, of course." Drake smirked back, crossing his arms.

"Wait what? How much may I pay you to give me a room? I'll do anything, Drake." Edward begged as he watched his friend walk away.

"No rooms for you, my dear friend." Drake teased.

"Don't be ridiculous! I know you have more rooms reserved!" Edward snapped.

Drake walked faster away, "Can't say much more, mate. Too many girls to woe!"

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